COVID-19 reaches Myanmar: Why India Must React Fast

In an article on 23 March 2020, noted Myanmar author and journalist Bertil Lintner raised the alarm about a number of respiratory disease rel....

Indo-Pacific meeting on COVID-19

On 20th of March a teleconference was held amongst some countries of the Indo-Pacific on the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was called by US and the participating countries included India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and Vietnam. The o....

COVID-19 in India: Strategy Has to Address Human Behavior

In the wake of the global crisis triggered by the novel Coronavirus pandemic, Jim O’Neill’s comments about Indian governance was not only uncharitable but also uncalled for.1 The discussion was about how Western countries should learn ....

Coronavirus : The need for a comprehensive Indian stimulus package to tackle health emergency, protect jobs and build a durable social security system for the future

Prime Minister in his address to the nation on 19th March announced the setting up of an economic task force under the Finance Minister to formulate India’s response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Covid-19 crisis is being projected as a cris....

Brig. Gurmeet Kanwal: An Irreparable Loss to Strategic & Security Community

The sad and sudden demise of Brig. Gurmeet Kanwal after a bout of illness in Army’s R & R Hospital came as a shock to members of strategic and services’ community. He was commissioned into the Regiment of Artillery and commanded a Field Regime....

BIMSTEC Should Address the Common COVID19 Crises: Preparatory Mechanisms need to be put in Place

As the numbers of confirmed cases affected by Corona virus keeps rising in India and elsewhere, the fears and apprehensions surrounding it have multiplied over the past few weeks. While the dissemination of information through health and medical sect....

China and U.S. Could Emerge as Adversaries over The Tibet Issue

China’s communist authorities appear to have reached the conclusion approximately 18 months ago that the time for selecting the reincarnation of the XIVth Dalai Lama is drawing near. Since then they have stepped up efforts to capture the hearts and....

Turkey using refugees as a leverage

Turkey has aided all shades of Syrian rebels (except the Kurds) with arms and other kinds of support in the Syrian civil war since it began in 2011. The Turkish army has also launched incursions across the border and now controls swathes of territory....

Coronavirus: Role of the Chinese Government

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General has praised China for its handling of the crisis and for “protecting the rest of the world”. The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the biggest diplomatic challenge for China in recent t....

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