US and Iran in an Uneasy Calm

President Trump has the uncanny habit of surprising the world by his unique and often contentious tweets on foreign policy issues. But this time it pleased many. “All is Well” tweeted President Trump after 20 odd Iranian missiles apparently targe....

Practical Patriotism: Remembering Swami Vivekananda on his 157th birth anniversary

In December 1892, Swami Vivekananda was visiting Trivandrum, the capital of the then Princely State of Travancore. This was right before his visit to Kanyakumari, where, during the Christmas of 1892, sitting on “the last bit of Indian rock” ....

All Quiet in Kashmir?

Kashmir is relatively calm since the last couple of months. No street protests, no encounters between the militants and the security forces. Last encounter was reported on November 26 between the militants and the forces in Pulwama district of South ....

Chinese President Xi Jinping Faces Difficult Times Ahead

There are clear indications that popular dissatisfaction and discontent with Chinese President Xi Jinping inside China continues to simmer just below the surface. The economic slowdown, unemployment and rising cost of living have contributed to the d....

China’s Energy Challenge: Lessons for India

Like other large economies, China faces the twin issues of affordable energy and environmental concerns. China accounts for almost half of the global coal consumption, has recently overtaken the U.S. as world’s largest oil importer, is the world’....

The Soleimani Assassination : Taking it from There

Since he kept a comparatively low profile as the commander of a strategic force designed to act clandestinely not many realized that Qasem Soleimani was virtually Number 2 in Iran’s effective hierarchy. That is why people are surprised by the asses....

Global Nuclear Order in 2019: A Review

The year 2019 has precipitated two important trends in the global nuclear order namely, an unstable deterrence environment, and worsening tensions between nuclear and non-nuclear weapon possessor states over the pace of nuclear reductions. According ....

2019 Sets 2020 for a Robust EV Policy in India

2019 has been a pivotal year for the State Governments and Union Territories in India to come up with policies and initiatives for Electric Vehicles. The pivot comes at a time when India’s major cities saw high levels of pollution, some entering th....

As the 2019 Ends on a Mixed Note, the Tasks for 2020 are Clear

The year 2019 will go down as one of the most seminal years for India. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA), led by the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), won a spectacular victory in the Lok Sabha elections with the BJP winning a record 303 seats on its ....

Afghanistan Presidential Election: Analysing the Preliminary results

Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC) has finally announced the preliminary results of the Presidential elections held in Afghanistan on 28 September 2019. The results, though not final, gave a thin majority to the incumbent President....

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