VIF Webinar on “Indo-Uzbek Relations”

India and Uzbekistan share close historical and cultural links dating back to ancient times. Uzbekistan is India’s extended neighbour and a strategic partner. This relationship is multi-faceted and includes cooperation in political, trade-economic,...

Pakistan Insights 2020

Following the success Pakistan Insights 2019 that was based on discussions held in the Pakistan Study Group (PSG) of the Vivekananda International Foundation, it was decided to continue with the Insight series, making it an annual feature. Despite...

India and Vaccine Diplomacy

Following the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic global interaction has focussed on dealing with the impact and consequences of it. Public Health diplomacy has acquired a higher place in international discourse at all levels including the G201,...

The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Central Asia

Introduction The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is so profound that the world will never be the same again. Human communication, social norms and habits have transformed immensely due to this. More digitalisation and less physical interactions have...

Myanmar Round Up: November 2020

The month marked a significant breakthrough in thedemocratic transition process of Myanmar. The third general elections were conducted since the initiation of political reforms in 2010. The National League for Democracy (NLD) party led by Daw Aung...

Myanmar Round Up: November 2020

The month marked a significant breakthrough in thedemocratic transition process of Myanmar. The third general elections were conducted since the initiation of political reforms in 2010. The National League for Democracy (NLD) party led by Daw Aung...

Of Bulls, Boys and Bananas: A Realistic Look at Vaccine Transportation

Now that we have possibly viable candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine, the media frenzy has moved on to another plane – how to store and transport vaccines. Especially the Pfizer vaccine, which needs to be stored at -70°Celsius - colder than winter...

Understanding the Complexities and Paradoxes of the Chinese Dream

The oft-quoted slogan “Chinese dream” by the President Xi Jinping, which was under spotlight when it was introduced, has gained widespread attention and jitters in China and the outside world. Inside China, the Chinese dream is everywhere, on...

APEC More of a Talking Shop than a Meaningful Regional Forum

The summit of the 21 members Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC hosted and chaired by Malaysia this year on 20 November was held in the virtual mode because of the coronavirus pandemic. In response to the growing interdependence of Asia-...

Reviving the Nepalese Economy under COVID-19

There is hardly any country in the world that is not affected by COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impacts of the pandemic are not uniform. Whereas its impact was more lethal in some countries in terms of both morbidity and mortality; in others, its...

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