Nepalese Budget 2021-22: Whiter Madhesh?

As the parliament in Nepal was dissolved by President Bidya Devi Bhandari on May 22 to pave the way for the mid-term elections in November, a week later, on May 29, in a televised address Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel presented the annual budget...

महामारी के समय राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण को क्रियाशील करने की जरूरत

भारत इस समय अभूतपूर्व स्तर पर स्वास्थ्य आपात स्थिति का सामना कर रहा है। कोविड -19 महामारी अब तक 250,000 से अधिक लोगों की जिंदगियों को निगल चुकी है और भारत में 2.4 करोड़ से अधिक लोग इससे संक्रमित हुए हैं। अब यह महामारी तेजी से ग्रामीण इलाकों में फैल...

Second China-Central Asia (C+C5) Foreign Ministers Meet: Major Takeaways

Background China’s relations with its Central Asian neighbours have been complicated. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Central Asia has been crucial for Chinese foreign policy for two reasons. First, the security of its north-western...

Will US politics bury or expose truth?

Respected science writer Nicholas Wade uncovers more. About how the guild of virology obfuscated, the World Health Organisation was suborned, the anti-Trump US media kept silent and the divided US polity let the culprit escape. Being a disciplined...

Quagmire in Lebanon: Between Domestic Mismanagement and External Interference

Lebanon in the current decade has witnessed pressing economic instability, political turmoil, large scale protests, and clashes with security officials, fires and explosion exposing the gross mismanagement and the incapacity of the present political...

Covid-19: The villain, bats or bat lady

Even now, what the world knows about the mysterious virus 18 months after it broke out in Wuhan city in China, is that it is mysterious. Though officially called Covid-19 after its name was changed many times within three months of its detection,...

टीकाकरण पर ध्यान देने का समय: कुछ सुझाव

आज देश ऐसी अभूतपूर्व महामारी से गुजर रहा है जिसने इतनी जिंदगियों को अपना शिकार बनाया है जो पिछले 100 वर्षों में भारत के सभी युद्धों में गईं जिंदगियों से भी ज्यादा है। इस संकट सेयुद्धस्तर पर निपटने की जरूरत है। यह संक्रमण अब ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में फैल...

Introduction to India’s Strategic Thinking and its Determinants

The VIF organized the third series of lectures on India’s national security and strategic culture from 12 to 14 October 2020 in a virtual mode in continuation of the initiative taken in the previous year. The webinar enabled young students,...

The Need to Activate the National Disaster Management Authority in Pandemic Times

India is facing a health emergency of unprecedented proportions. The Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed over 250,000 lives and infected over 24 million people in India. It is now rapidly spreading to rural areas where health infrastructure is...

Nepal Urges International Community to help in fight against COVID-19

Being helpless to control the unbridled growth in coronavirus cases, the Nepalese Prime Minister, K.P. Sharma Oli has appealed to the international community to help the Himalayan nation by supplying vaccines, coronavirus testing kits, oxygen kits,...

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