Pakistan Insights 2020
Tilak Devasher

Following the success Pakistan Insights 2019 that was based on discussions held in the Pakistan Study Group (PSG) of the Vivekananda International Foundation, it was decided to continue with the Insight series, making it an annual feature. Despite the constraints imposed by COVID-19, the PSG has met virtually and continued to discuss issues relating to Pakistan in a holistic manner, going beyond the headlines. Pakistan Insights 2020 is a comprehensive book that deals with most aspects of Pakistan. Articles include an overview of developments in 2019-20, internal developments and civil-military relations, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic challenges, the terrorism landscape, developments in J&K after the 05 August 2019 changes, Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, nuclear programme, defence production capabilities, and the digital landscape. The external section looks at Indo-Pak relations, Pakistan`s relations with China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Russia as well as Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan and the Afghan peace process. The book concludes with some thoughts on the future trajectory of Pakistan.

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