Indian Economy may take a Few Years to Stabilize

If social media is of any significance, the public perception of the prospect of recovery of India’s COVID-hit economy moves between two extremes. Some are quick to ‘predict’ doomsday and some others only see the sun shining. The truth is hidden...

जम्मू-कश्मीर – जंग कम, अमन ज्यादा: 5 अगस्त 2019 के फैसलों के बाद के साल पर नजर

भारत ने पूर्ववर्ती जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य को संविधान से मिला विशेष दर्जा खत्म करने के 5 अगस्त 2019 के अपने फैसलों से पूरी दुनिया को और शायद खुद को भी हैरत में डाल दिया। इस फैसले का एक साल पूरा होने पर यह समझने के लिए कि तब से अभी तक क्या बदला है और...

Random Thoughts 2019-2020

The scale, intensity and impact of the massive changes the world is witnessing now because of the Covid-19 phenomenon is unprecedented in human history, unthinkable anytime before in the past and constitutes perhaps the greatest challenge to the...

Denigrating Prime Minister Modi’s Policies in Foreign Journals to Serve Domestic Political Purpose

The Modi government is under attack in influential international media by people of repute in India who ignore the consequences of this for the country’s image abroad. Playing politics at home is one thing, but playing politics abroad with a view to...

Bilateral Meeting Vivekananda International Foundation (India) & the Pathfinder Foundation (Sri Lanka)

On 17 August 2020, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a bilateral meeting in collaboration with the Pathfinder Foundation (Sri Lanka) on “India - Sri Lanka relations”. Dr Arvind Gupta - Director of the VIF, welcomed the...

Inflexion in Sino-Indian Relations: Case for Strategic Pragmatism

The new China has shown itself as muscular, aggressive, expansionist and determined to force its way to top of the world stage by vigourously establishing Pax Sinica. China’s in the past three decades has been rapidly growing economically and...

COVID-19 Pandemic and Lessons for Climate Change Responses

Introduction The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is simultaneously a public health crisis and an economic crisis. On the public health front, it has resulted in 21,527,747 total confirmed cases and 772,370 deaths in 188 countries as of 16 August 2020.1 In...

White Mutiny or a Grey Revolution in Belarus -Only time will Tell

Who wants to give up power anyway? History of the long serving leaders abdicating before the time is ripe has rare entries even if the writing on the wall was rather clear. In last decade it has happened to several North African leaders as a...

Myanmar Round Up: July 2020

The country reported 353 confirmed COVID-19 cases and six deaths as on 31 July 2020. During the policy briefing on Southeast Asia, the United Nations (UN) positioned Myanmar in the vulnerable category due to a weak health care system and continuing...

Floods in China: Yet another critical test for Xi Jinping

Floods in China are an annual phenomenon. This year’s flood comes at the time when China is already battling the COVID-19 which has hit 27 out of 31 provinces of China. Since June, torrential rain in China has broken all records. It is the most...

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