National Security and Strategic Studies
Cyber Security
Cyber DNA of China –Deep, Focussed and Militarised

The strategic goals reconfirmed by the CCP, in late 1970’s, included maintaining domestic stability; sustaining economic growth and development; defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity; safeguarding China’s interest world over. The focus of the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Five year Plans, was on investing in export industries, infrastructure, adaption and investment in technology development. China began opening its economy to the outside world and embraced market forces. Since then, China’s growth and development have been spectacular.

The Curious Case of Huawei

China’s journey from being an agrarian economy to one of the largest economies with a strong military and cyber capabilities is commendable. However, its military and cyber capabilities are built upon relentless efforts to steal critical military and technical information of other countries, mainly the United States (US). Leading Chinese companies, including one of the telecom giants—Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (hereafter Huawei), are taking advantage of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects to access the competitive neighbourhood nations.

Vimarsh on India's Digital Leap by Shri Ram Sewak Sharma, Former Chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

India’s economic growth is accelerating at a steady pace with a glimpse of its true potential to become the world’s fastest-growing economy soon. In 2019, India ranked as the second-largest online market, after China. According to data by Statista, in 2020, India had 700 million internet subscribers across the nation; as a projection, these numbers will grow to over 974 million internet users by 2025.

India's Strategies for Information War & Cyber Deterrence

The concept of Information Warfare (IW) is as old as warfare itself but has gained in significance in recent times where we look at non-contact battles between two adversaries. This concept involves the use of information and communication technologies; and taking it a little further, it transforms into the use of computers and cyberspace in warfare. This book delves into this complex topic and brings out issues and facets especially pertaining to India. It emphasises that issues of National Security and Nation Building in this information age are intertwined.

Cyber Enabled Information Warfare: Are Cyber Borders the Solution We Seek?

… U.S election is one of the recent examples of the threat due to information warfare ... cyber borders similar to the treaty of Westphalia can result into a system where the progress of nations due to cyber connections is maintained and at the same time, there is a jurisdiction under which threats are curtailed ... without cyber borders, a legal jurisdiction, who do we blame, how do we punish, and when can we feel safe? ..

Cyber Attack on Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant – A Wake Up Call

… India is among the top three countries in the world after the U.S. and China when it comes to phishing and malware attacks ... While governments can’t control every aspect of cyber security, they can certainly help shape the future of cyber security based on lessons learned from other nations, threats and technologies ... all stakeholders have to their heads together, identify the vulnerabilities in the critical information infrastructure and take remedial measures in a time bound manner …

Research and Development in Cyber Domain and Indian Perspective

… India has to develop its own technologies, an electronic manufacturing base, R&D infrastructure and a highly skilled human resource… talented professionals available in the cyber eco system have to be brought in for research on indigenization of cyber technologies… Though a little late, but given the required priority, funding and impetus India has the capability to develop indigenous technology in cyber domain …

Cyber Security: Fundamental to India’s Sovereignty

… cyber security is the single largest concern for nations and societies today as they move from agro-industrial age to the Information Age … threats are present 24/7 across the full spectrum, from: Cyber-crime to cyber espionage to cyber terrorism; social engineering; and even cyber warfare … the coming years will see more activity in the so-called ‘dark nets’ and greater use of crypto-currencies; that the ability to stage cyberattacks will continue to outpace the ability to defend against them; and that there will be more “hacking for hire” … the threat landscape must be analysed carefully …

VIF-FICCI Homeland Security Conference on Cyber Crime Management, FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi

The two day conference had the an objective of bringing together stakeholders of the cyber security domain i.e. the Government, intelligence agencies, police, industry, academia and think tanks, in promoting development and implementation of systems and concepts in effectively dealing with growing threat of cyber crimes. The stakeholders also discussed various facets of Make in India initiatives in cyber domain and underscored the need of indigenous expertise in this field.

Cyber Security in India – Present Status

Introduction: The Information Technology (IT) Act in India was promulgated as early as 2000. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) was established in 2004 and continues to act. India has undertaken several steps at protection, detection and containment of these potentially disruptive attacks against the nation’s networks.

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