National Security and Strategic Studies
Cyber Security
What is Cyber Security ? Status and Challenges: India

The transition from an industrial to an information era has created a new domain, “Cyberspace” and ushered in a new security paradigm with new threats to both national and human security. With large scale automation, rapid penetration of ICT and connectivity the developed nations are enjoying a much better quality of life that also makes them more vulnerable to cyber interventions. Click here to read full paper

Strategic Gaps in India’s Net Centricity

In the digital battle field of 21st century, Technology and Information are the new currencies of power. Exploitation of both of these to create efficiency, economy of effort and facilitate full spectrum operations;nuclear to asymmetric and strategic to tactical, is the essence of Net-centricity. Click here to read full paper

Round Table on Cyber Security

The VIF held a Round Table Discussion on 18 Sep 2014 to examine the national perspective of cyber security in terms of social, economic, political and military dimensions.

Cyber Security: Threats and Challenges

First Session Introduction by Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi

Cyber Security: Threats and Challenges

First Session Introduction by Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi

Cyber Security: Threats and Challenges

First Session Introduction by Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi

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