National Security and Strategic Studies
The New Arthashastra, Ed Gurmeet Kanwal, Harper Collins Publishers, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), 2016, pp 436, INR 799

The Arthashastra is an insight into the political thoughts of Kautilya. The book was written around 250 BCE. The most interesting idea presented in the book is the Mandala theory of interstate relations. Mandala represents the universe and our own kingdom is in the centre of a circular Mandala. The area surrounding the Mandala should be considered territories belonging to our enemies. The circle surrounding our enemies’ territories will be the allies of our enemies.

Revisiting India's Disaster Response Mechanism: Challenges and Way Forward

One Day Round Table Conference (May 6, 2016) organised jointly by Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) & Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF)

Anti-Terror Laws in India and Pakistan: A Comparative Study

Anti-national acts of misguided citizens and their fanatic mentors have forced even democratic governments to enact special laws to deal with these. The purpose of such provisions, which many propagators of individual freedom view as 'draconian', is to prevent anti-nationals from abusing their freedom to harm that very society which offers them that freedom in the first place. Both India and Pakistan have enacted such special laws, but the difference is palpable - the latter, as it is its wont, has given itself more arbitrary powers.

Interaction with Dr Haseeb Drabu (Minister of Finance, J & K) on 'Developments in Kashmir'

On 05 Oct 2016, the VIF invited Dr. Haseeb Drabu, Minister of Finance in the BJP-PDP coalition government of Jammu and Kashmir, for a talk on the ‘Developments in Kashmir to a broad panel of security experts, including former ambassadors, retired bureaucrats and ex-military commanders, among others.

Internal Security and Police Reforms

Policing in contemporary India has turned into a major challenge, This challenge requires the evolution of new policing culture, better training, comprehensive modernisation and astute personnel management. However, efforts made towards that direction has not succeeded to the extent desirable. Click here to read full paper

Vimarsha - Talk by Shri Prakash Singh, former DG BSF, on Police Reforms in India

Shri Prakash Singh, former DG BSF, delivered a perceptive talk, ‘Preparing The Central And State Police Forces To Deal With The Multi-Dimensional Challenges Of Tomorrow’, at the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 15 Sep 2016, as part of VIF’s monthly series of lectures, ‘Vimarsha’. A large audience, comprising former bureaucrats, diplomats, military veterans, members of the academia, among other informed citizenry of Delhi, attended the event and also participated in a lively interaction with the distinguished speaker following the lecture.

At the Center of The Storm- My Years at the CIA by George Tenet, Former Director CIA & The Great War of Our Time- the CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism- From al Qaida to ISIS by Michael Morell, Former Dy. Director CIA

These two books paint a contemporaneous picture of the CIA’s fight against Islamic terrorism. George Tenet was the Director, CIA from 1997 to 2004, having the unique distinction of serving two Presidents, Clinton and Bush. While Tenet was inducted from outside the CIA, Morell was a career Intelligence officer, who served the CIA for 33 years, retiring as Deputy Director in 2013. Tenet was in the thick of the storm arising from the 9/11 attacks while Morell’s book brings us up to the birth and growth of the ISIS.

DPP 2016: An enabler, not a show-stopper

DPP or no DPP the onus of success or failure lies in the hands of those who operate the DPP. Like they say, the law is only as good as the enforcer of the law. DPP 2016 or DPP 2056, it will be only as good as the persons who operate it, who interpret its content and apply the same to procurements at hand.​ Click here to read full paper

What is Cyber Security ? Status and Challenges: India

The transition from an industrial to an information era has created a new domain, “Cyberspace” and ushered in a new security paradigm with new threats to both national and human security. With large scale automation, rapid penetration of ICT and connectivity the developed nations are enjoying a much better quality of life that also makes them more vulnerable to cyber interventions. Click here to read full paper

Vimarsha: Waterways on River Ganges – Environmental Challenge & Opportunity with Dr. Onkar Mittal and Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain

Vimarsha–the series of public lectures on contemporary national importance hosted every month by the VIF--was held on 28 July 2016 with well-known Ganga Activist Dr. Onkar Mittal and Environmentalist Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain giving a broad overview of the proposed waterways on river Ganga and its implications both for ecology and development. A large number of Delhiites including public luminaries and enthusiasts, among others, turned up for the event braving incessant rains leading to traffic snarls in most parts of Delhi, a pointer to the popularity of Vimarsha among Delhi’s intelligentsia.

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