National Security and Strategic Studies
Discussion on the Rohingya Crisis

Background Rohingyas, with a population of nearly 1.1 million, are mostly Muslims living largely in Myanmar’s western coastal state of Rakhine and also in Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia. There are about 40,000 of them also living as illegal migrants in India. According to a World Bank report, 78 percent of the Rohingyas are living in a state of abject poverty and are considered as the ‘most oppressed ethnic community in the world’.

Round Table Discussion on the ‘Role of CRPF in Counter-Insurgency Operations’

Aiming for a thorough review of India’s internal security apparatus, as also in partial fulfilment of the requirements of a Task Force set up recently by the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on the subject, the Foundation invited Mr. RR Bhatnagar, Director General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) - the lead force deployed in counter-insurgency (CI) operations across India, - for a round table discussion (RTD) with a select group of policy analysts and security experts including members of the Task Force, among others, on Feb 12, 2018.

‘Sharpening the Arsenal: India’s Evolving Nuclear Deterrence Policy’, Gurmeet Kanwal, Harper Collins Publishers Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2017, pp 268, INR 599

The book deals comprehensively with India’s nuclear arsenal and finally suggests as to what must be done to sharpen it in the current environment.

Displaced Brus from Mizoram in Tripura: Time for Resolution

Abstract History has been witness to the conflict-induced internal displacement of people in different states of Northeast India from time to time. While the issues of such displacement have been resolved in most of the North-eastern States, the displacement of Brus from Mizoram has remained unresolved even over past two decades. Over 35,000 Brus have been living in six makeshift relief camps in North Tripura's Kanchanpur, areas adjoining Mizoram under inhuman conditions since October 1997.

Is India Likely to be the Next Major Target of ISIS? - An Analysis of Post-Manhattan Terror Attack

From the reports of the intelligence and security establishment, it is clear that activities of IS sympathisers in India are under control. Indeed, there have been no recent reports of radicalised youth trying to migrate to centers of IS activities or to return from terrorist heavens. So far, the number of Indian believers of the IS is estimated at just about 100 or so, nearly half of them being Indians settled overseas. However, a couple of recent IS related reports attract attention as both concern the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Balochistan - Forgotten War, Forsaken People

If there was one genuinely ‘unfinished agenda of Partition’ it must be the case of freedom of Balochistan from the brazen colonisation of Pakistan. All through the post-partition decades, the Baloch have protested, confronted and rebelled against Pakistan’s mistreatment of its largest and naturally richest province. There have been as many as four rebellions at such scales that needed deployment of Pakistan’s military machine—with heavy weaponry—to crush these. Presently, there is the fifth Baloch rebellion, and consequently, another bout of Pakistan’s violent repression.

Book Discussion: “Securing India, the Modi Way”, authored by Nitin Gokhale, 24 Nov 2017

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a round table discussion on 24 Nov 2017, to discuss the book, ‘Securing India, the Modi Way’, authored by Nitin Gokhale, senior journalist and a member of the VIF’s faculty. The book bares out essential underpinnings of Prime Minister Modi’s approach to India’s national security and foreign policy issues, and is based on author’s personal interactions with key stakeholders, and file notings which remain unclassified as of today.

Professional Military Education - An Indian Experience

Introduction “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” - Thucydides Professional Military Education (PME) has always been a critical component of developing military leaders. It is based on two key principles: train for certainty, so that military personnel gain and master the skills needed for known tasks and educate for uncertainty, so that they have the broad base of knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to handle unanticipated and unpredictable situations.

Weapons and Missiles in the Indian Environment

Firepower in the current era is characterised by multiple combat platforms– guns, howitzers, multi-rockets and missiles - managed through the means of surveillance, target acquisition, engagement, destruction, and finally, damage assessment. For such complex orchestration of firepower to bear fruition, it is necessary to imbibe the right combinations of tactical, technical, logistic and financial factors which have to be derived from fundamental professional acumen rooted at the origins of firepower, the courses of its development and finally, the contemporary parameters of its application.

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