Roundtable on The Elections in UK and France and its Implications for India

On 08 August, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized a Roundtable on "The Elections in UK and France and its Implications for India". The panel included Professor Gulshan Sachdeva, Air Marshal Rajesh Kumar and Swasti Rao. The...

Ukraine Conflict: A UK perspective

VIF organized a closed door round table discussion on a “Review of Russia-Ukraine Conflict”: A UK Perspective on 06 June 2022 in the physical mode at the VIF with members of the strategic community and Brigadier Nick Sawyer, Defence Advisor, ...

Interaction between UK’s Chief of Defence and the Vivekananda International Foundation on UK’s “Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy”.

On 21 April 2021, Vivekananda International Foundation members had a virtual Interaction with UK’s Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas PatrickCarter, GCB, CBE, DSO, ADC Gen. The interaction was focussed on the Indo-Pacific security and...

VIF-IISS Roundtable on the UK’s Integrated Review: Impact on relations with India

The United Kingdom released its “Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy” on 16 March 2021. Titled ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age’, the document stands out for shaping the country’s post-Brexit foreign,...

Roundtable Discussion on Brexit and its Impact on the European Union: Implications for India

Nearly four years after holding the fateful referendum to leave the European Union, the United Kingdom eventually ceased to be an EU member on 31 January 2020. The country, however, would remain a part of the Customs Union till the culmination...

VIF-IISS-BHC Roundtable on the Indian Ocean

On 17 October the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in conjuncture with the Institute of International and Strategic Studies, (IISS) London and the British High Commission organised a day-long roundtable on the Indian Ocean. The idea...

Interaction with Delegation from Royal College of Defence Studies, UK

A 17-member delegation of senior level defence officers and defence ministry officials from the UK and other countries led by Commandant RCDS, Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS), Lt. Gen (Retd) Sir David Bill, KCB, visited the VIF on 30th...

Interaction with UK, MOD Team on Global Strategic Trends and Implications

A British team from Development of Concepts and Doctrine Centre of UK Ministry of Defence led by Brig. Matt Holmes made a presentation on ‘Global Strategic Trends: Setting the Strategic Context for Defence and Security’ and interacted with the...

International Conference at RUSI, London on Afghanistan 2014 and Beyond

A trilateral conference on Afghanistan’s future between scholars from Royal United Services Institution, VIF experts and researchers from various Chinese think tanks was organized in London from 04 to 06 December 2013. The VIF delegation was...

Interaction with Mr. Tom Dodd, Senior Policy Advisor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

Mr. Tom Dodd, Head, ASEAN Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Office accompanied by Helen Fazey, Counsellor, ASEAN and Regional security Affairs at the British Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia had an interaction with the VIF Faculty on 12...


The British High Commissioner in India, His Excellency Sir Richard Stagg had a very useful and candid exchange of views with a distinguished gathering of former Service Chiefs, Heads of Intelligence Services, Diplomats and domain experts at...

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