Dr Angana Kotokey is a Research Associate at the Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi. She holds a PhD from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) India. She completed her M.Phil. as a recipient of M.Phil. Research Fellowship issued by the Ministry of External Affairs, India from the Institute of Foreign Policy Studies, Calcutta University (Kolkata). Angana has completed her Master’s from Pondicherry University in South Asian Studies. She graduated in Political Science from Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. She has attended several national and international conferences and workshops on her area of research and presented papers at SOAS University of London, George Mason University, Russian-Armenian University, University of Copenhagen, Roma Tre University etc. She has written book chapters and also published research papers including in peer reviewed international journals like the Asian Affairs: The Journal of the Royal Society of Asian Affairs (published by Routledge), Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Routledge), The Round Table: the Common Wealth Journal of International Affairs (Routledge) etc. Her core areas of research are Geopolitics, Afghanistan, Political Islam, Arab World and Pakistan.

Between Isolation and Engagement: The Afghan Taliban’s Diplomatic Dilemma Introduction With the Afghan Taliban back as the new rulers of Kabul since August 2021, the regime has found itself caught in a diplomatic conundrum—maintaining isolationism on the one hand and engaging bilaterally with its regional ne...

India’s Strategic Diplomacy: Navigating India’s Engagement with the Taliban Regime in Afghanistan Following the visit of an Indian delegation to Afghanistan in March 2024, there was much speculation across academia as well as policy circles on India’s relations with the present government in Afghanistan, as India embarked on expanding its engag...

Political Chaos in Pakistan’s 2024 Election: Challenges Ahead Introduction Pakistan has witnessed yet another controversial election, marked by claims of rigged voting, violence (during pre-and post-polling), and interference from the deep state. Despite the inauguration of the 16th National Assemb...

Taliban Interim Administration: A Review of its Regional Engagements in 2023 Introduction The year 2023 marks the second anniversary of the Taliban’s return to power in Kabul. After more than two years of the takeover, Afghanistan is still in the middle of a deep humanitarian crisis and a grappling economy amids...

The Deportation of the Afghan Refugees from Iran Introduction In recent developments, it has been observed that large scale deportation of Afghan refugees from Iran is in process, after Abdul Rahman Rashid, the Minister of Refugees and Repatriation in Afghanistan, announced that more th...

Event Reports 
Interaction with Delegation from the UNAMA On 19 April, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) delegation led by Ms Roza Otunbayeva, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Afghanistan and Head of the UNAMA visited the Vivekananda International Fo...

Pakistan Elections and its fallout A meeting of the Pakistan Study Group (PSG) was held in hybrid mode on 14 February 2024. The main items on the agenda were—the Results of the Pakistan Elections, Government formation after the Elections and the Probabilities of Coalition between Pa...

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