Governance and Political Studies
Academic Freedom: Some Unpleasant Considerations

Among the left-liberal intellectuals, this has been a frequently used term in India for quite some time. The people, who use it, find it generally convenient not to explain its connotation. This way they enjoy the advantage of suggesting that a dread....

Vimarsha on Defining Democracy by Dr. A Surya Prakash

In the recent past, several reports have come out questioning the functioning of the Indian democracy. Responding to these reports, the Indian Foreign Ministry said that India had “robust institutions and well established democratic practices”....

‘असहिष्णुता’ की रक्षा में

इस बात के अभी ज्यादा समय नहीं हुए हैं, जब नरेन्द्र मोदी सरकार के पहली बार सत्ता में आने के बाद भार....

In Defence of 'Intolerance’

It was not long after the first Modi government came to power that a number of Indian academics based in some Indian and Western universities, issued a public statement expressing apprehension about the dangers that the country supposedly faced fr....

Operationalising the Supply Chain of Corporates as an effective Disaster Management Response

The Pandemic has re-drawn lines in the entire gamut of the social system wherein concepts like globalization, industrialization, information technology etc, have re-coined themselves. Mankind’s imaginative ideas that had cr....

Reforms for Atmanirbhar Bharat

COVID-19 has exposed the serious strategic implications of India’s import dependence, especially on China. Politics, Policy and Pandemic are the challenges to Prime Minister Modi’s vision of Atmanirbharta (self-reliance). While the initiative is ....

A Review of Atmanirbharta Policies

The year 2020 can be described as an extraordinary year. COVID-19 wreaked havoc in all policy arenas, severely affecting public, economic, international relations. The Government of India meanwhile, has taken significant steps to promote the ‘Atman....

गांधी जी की समकालीन प्रासंगिकता

महात्मा गांधी जी का जन्म 2 अक्टूबर 1869 ईस्वी में हुआ था। यह उल्लेखनीय है कि उनके जन्म के 150 वर्षों क�....

Durand Line: Did India Fail Frontier Gandhi?

‘You have thrown us to the wolves!’ these words by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan will continue to haunt the nation for decades to come. In the story of India’s freedom struggle, he was one of the bravest. A martyr. Yet he and his Pakhtun brothers wer....

Gandhi’s Contemporary Relevance

Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. It is remarkable that even after 150 years people read and study Gandhi in the hope that they will find answers to contemporary problems. This is testimony to the universalism of Gandhi’s ideas. On Gandhi Jay....

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