Neighbourhood Studies
कोविड-19 में नेपाली अर्थव्यवस्था को पटरी पर लाना

दुनिया में शायद ही ऐसा कोर्ई देश हो, जो कोवि़ड-19 जैसी वैश्विक महामारी से पीड़ित न हुआ हो। हालांकि....

Pakistan Insights 2020

Following the success Pakistan Insights 2019 that was based on discussions held in the Pakistan Study Group (PSG) of the Vivekananda International Foundation, it was decided to continue with the Insight series, making it an annual feature. Despite th....

Myanmar Round Up: November 2020

The month marked a significant breakthrough in thedemocratic transition process of Myanmar. The third general elections were conducted since the initiation of political reforms in 2010. The National League for Democracy (NLD) party led by Daw Aung Sa....

Tibetan Buddhism: A Source and Strength of India’s Soft Power Diplomacy

The relations between Tibet, India and China are best illustrated in the words of Claude Arpi, a noted historian and journalist who has written a series of important books on Tibet, India and China, including, The Fate of Tibet: When the Big Insec....

Reviving the Nepalese Economy under COVID-19

There is hardly any country in the world that is not affected by COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impacts of the pandemic are not uniform. Whereas its impact was more lethal in some countries in terms of both morbidity and mortality; in others, its im....

Afghanistan at an Inflection Point

With stalled peace talks in Doha and raging violence in the country, Afghanistan is yet again at an inflection point. The critical question is: whether the Afghans and the international community will be able to find a sustainable and peaceful solut....

Webinar on India-Nepal Relations: The Way Ahead

On 23rd November 2020 Vivekanand International Foundation India (VIF) and Asian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (AIDIA) organised a round table discussion on India-Nepal Relations. Director Dr Arvind Gupta chaired the session while G....

Elections in Myanmar: The Return of NLD

The National League for Democracy (NLD) led by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has received the largest mandate in the national parliamentary elections in Myanmar’s latest election held on 8 November 2020, winning 396 of the 498 contested seats i....

Pakistan: the Dossier Charade

On 14 November 2020, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar in a joint press conference unveiled a dossier allegedly containing ‘irrefutable evidence’ of I....

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