Neighbourhood Studies
Discussion on Recent Developments in Myanmar: Implications for India

On 11 February 2021, VIF organised a discussion on ‘Recent Developments in Myanmar: Implications for India’. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, welcomed the participants and delivered the opening remarks followed by brief presentations by Amb Gopalas....

Can Biden Bring Peace to Afghanistan?

The Joseph Biden administration declared on 23rd January, 2021, within a few days of coming to power that it will reassess the agreement reached by Donald Trump with the Taliban in February 2020. It stated that the US proposed to review whether the m....

Political Crises in Myanmar

01 February 2021, the Myanmar military declared a state of emergency for a year and arrested Aung San Suu Kyi and other government officials. The coup’s timings have been critical as 01 February was supposed to be the first session of Parliament. ....

Act East Policy and Northeast India

India’s Act East Policy hinges on the development of the eight Northeast states with a view to achieving the foreign policy objective of enhancing ties with neighbouring countries. This book examines large infrastructure development across the regi....

श्रीलंका: भारत और जापान के साथ समझौते के निरस्तीकरण के बाद क्या?

1 फरवरी को श्रीलंका की सरकार ने भारत और जापान के सहयोग से प्रस्तावित कोलंबो बंदरगाह के पूर्वी �....

Myanmar Political Crises

Since the initiation of the election process in 2020, Myanmar has been surrounded with election-related controversies. Aung San Suu Kyi led National Democratic League (NLD) landslide victory was celebrated and recognised in the country and the world.....

Military Seizes back Power in Myanmar: Some Responses and Implications

In a rather worrying development in India’s neighbourhood Myanmar, in an early morning coup on 1 February the military seized control of the government, detained State Counsellor and leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) Aung San Suu Ky....

Discussion on India-Bangladesh Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

On 21 January 2021, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised VIMRASH on India-Bangladesh Relations: Opportunities and Challenges. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, introduced Md. Shahriar Alam, M.P. State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Go....

Pakistan- An Uncertain Road Ahead

2020 was an unpredictable year. It was a year of everything and nothing! Covid-19 crisis turned the world upside down. There was a strange paranoia that gripped the world. It was catastrophic and exhausting, unsettling and unimaginable. However, for....

Where do the Afghanistan-Taliban Peace Talks Stand?

Nearly two decades after the US-led military intervention in October 2001 toppled the Taliban, Washington was compelled to sign a ‘peace agreement’ with its nemesis. One of the most critical aspects of the agreement was to get the Afghan governme....

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