International Relations and Diplomacy
Russia Pitches for a Non-hegemonic, Multipolar World Order

(The following is a summary of key take aways from the 20th Annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, Sochi, 02-05 Oct 2023) The Valdai Discussion Club held its 20th annual meeting in Sochi from 02-05 Oct 2023. The meeting was addressed....

Chinese Initiatives for Global Governance: Re-Defining the Global Order?

China’s emergence on the global stage has been accompanied by a clear pronouncement of its ambitions to be a global player with Xi Jinping emphasising the “global significance of the Chinese dream”

Iran-China Cooperation in Lithium Industry: Prospects and Challenges

The discovery of lithium deposits, primarily used in powering electric vehicles, in Iran has opened avenues for foreign investment in the country. While the recent geopolitical changes in West Asia like the Iran-Saudi rapproch....

President Biden’s Impeachment Inquiry: Background and Implications

(Disquiet & Polarisation in US Politics: Part 1)

The current developments in the United States are demonstrative of the deepening partisan and retributive politics within the country in the last few years. Most of the chaos revolves aroun....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2023

Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held a number of discussions during the month. Geopolitical tensions and technological competition are affecting US-China economic engagement. Factors influencing economic dynamics include sanctions, export ....

Canada outburst dishonours code among spies

It is well known that intelligence agencies of major countries have harboured dissident and insurgent groups from around the world. Values, scruples and morality are not words in the lexicon of intelligence and security agencies. Their role is to ....

United Nations in a World of Crises

The 78th session of the United Nations opened amidst a deepening sense of crisis. The UN Secretary-General said that the ‘world is becoming unhinged.’ [1] The UNGA President ....

The IMEC Way

On the sidelines of G20 leaders of India, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, France, Italy, Germany and EU announced a new maritime and overland connectivity corridor between Asia and Europe i.e. India, Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Recently, som....

The India Middle-East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC): Reviving Prosperity; the Mauryan, Chola Connect

The India Middle-East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) which was announced at the G20 Leaders Event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment on 9th September will have a profound global effect on the 21st ce....

Bharat’s G20 Presidency: An Ode to India-Africa Friendship

Under the framework of the Group of Twenty (G20) presidency, India hosted the final summit on September 9 and 10 in the presence of more than 40 world leaders, including the G20 Heads of State or their representatives.

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