National Security and Strategic Studies
“जब तक मैं रहूं, शांति रहे” की फितरत है कश्मीर में संघर्ष प्रबंधन की घातक रणनीति

“शांति का अर्थ यह नहीं है कि संघर्ष नहीं है’;शांतिपूर्ण साधनों से संघर्ष को रोकने की क्षमता ही ....

जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस: चीनी (और पाकिस्तानी) शासनकला का राग

क्लॉजेवित्स की ‘ऑन वॉर’ में ‘डिफेंस’ नाम के उबाऊ शीर्षक वाली छठी पुस्तक के पहले अध्याय में उनक�....

नक्सलवाद पर सख्त नीति की जरूरत

गत 24 अप्रैल को छत्तीसगढ़ के सुकमा जिला में एक नक्सली हमले को अंजाम दिया गया, जिसमे एक सीआरपीएफ के 24....

Imperative Need for a Comprehensive National Security Strategy

Inconsistent Policy Formulation All national-level endeavours must be based on a clear sense of purpose. The idea is elemental, but one that is little appreciated and often ignored. Does India have a comprehensive, clearly enuncia....

Does India Need a New War Doctrine with Pakistan?

For the last 70 years, Pakistan has been at war with India either directly or through its proxies. Our responses in the former cases have been widely acknowledged as professional and effective. In the latter case of proxy war in Kashmir and elsewhere....

Syndrome of “Peace in My Time” a Retrograde Strategy for Conflict Management in Kashmir

“Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means” - Ronald Reagan. Viewpoint Kashmir Robert Greene says: never take it for granted that your past successes will con....

‘Beati Sunt Possidentes’ (Blessed are Those in Possession): A Leitmotif for Chinese (& Pakistani) Statecraft

Tucked away in Chapter 1 of Book 6, boringly titled ‘Defense’ in Clausewitz’s ‘On War’, is yet another nugget of his strategic wisdom: ‘In daily life, and especially in litigation (which so closely resembles war) it is summed....

The Expected Upsurge in the Indo-Israel Defence Cooperation

Better Late than Never is what India-Israel ties are all about. Celebrating twenty-five years of diplomatic relations, both countries have pledged to take the ties to further heights. The growing bonhomie is clearly noticeable since late May 2014 whe....

नई ब्लैकलिस्टिंग नीति – कुछ विचार

रक्षा मंत्रालय द्वारा “निकायों के साथ कारोबार में जुर्मानों के लिए रक्षा मंत्रालय के दिशानिर�....

The ISIS Phantasmagoria and its Implications for India : Building Capacities to Prevent and Counter Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

Rise of a Demonic Force: Daesh Daesh as a tangible entity was in the making for several decades prior to the supposed cut-off date which recognises its meteoric rise in the region, and eventually beyond the borders of the self-pro....

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