Introduction Nuclear weapons have been primarily categorised into Strategic and Non- strategic weapons. Strategic weapons have a longer range and higher yield. Non- strategic nuclear weapons conversely have a smaller range and lower yield. ....
Introduction Nuclear weapons have been primarily categorised into Strategic and Non- strategic weapons. Strategic weapons have a longer range and higher yield. Non- strategic nuclear weapons conversely have a smaller range and lower yield. ....
ब्रिक्स और बिम्सटेक शिखर बैठकों के दौरान प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने पाकिस्तान को आतंकवाद क�....
भारत के हालिया लक्षित हमलों (सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक) को कुछ लोग प्रतिकार तथा उड़ी हमलों का बदला लेना मा....
The Indian Armed Forces have fought and won four wars against our Western neighbor, a state where the country does not have an army but the Army has a country. Despite these obvious victories, the Indian Armed Forces have never fallen prey to the wor....
Introduction The Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) 2016 was unveiled by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in March this year incorporating most of the recommendations of the Committee of Experts (CoE) constituted by MoD for ‘Amendment to DP....
One Day Round Table Conference (May 6, 2016) organised jointly by Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) & Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF)....
आतंकवादी संगठन इस्लामिक स्टेट ऑफ इराक एंड सीरिया (आईएसआईएस) के कब्जे वाले क्षेत्र जब से वापस हा�....
अनौपचारिक बातचीत का दौर सातवां ‘शियांगशान’ (शाब्दिक अर्थ है ‘खुशबू भरी पहाड़ियां’) सम्मेलन ....
Abstract If there was one news that dominated the media space like no other in the recently concluded BRICS Summit on 15-16 Oct, it was the one on the signing of the contract between India and Russia for the purchase of five Regiments ....
Prime Minister Modi’s blistering attacks against Pakistan on its terrorist affiliations on the occasion of the BRICS and BIMSTEC summits have been viewed as excessive by some in India. The various points of criticism are that by focusing so much on....