National Security and Strategic Studies
India’s National Defence; Gautam Banerjee, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2017, pp 278, INR 995

The book India’s National Defence defines India’s Defence Reforms and Military Modernisation which it must undertake to meet the strategic challenges of the 21st Century. The book lucidly brings out India’s inability to optimise its military su....

Some Lessons from Doklam

While the resolution of the Doklam stand-off as reported by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on 28 Aug is being hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough and an achievement of sorts for India in the open source reports, this work tries to revisit the....

Three Stages of Indo-Russian Defence Relations: A Military Perspective

Abstract This Apr this year, India and Russia celebrated 70 years of their diplomatic relations. The occasion was marked with reciprocal visits of the Heads of State to each other's country. While PM Modi wrote 'India, Russia r....

The Nexus of Terror and Ideology : Scourge of Naxalism in India

Independence may have firmed up the geographic expanse of India but it failed to stabilise the ‘concept’ of India. Constitutionally we have taken our diversity seriously and the representative form of our democracy has further made our divisions ....

India Needs Structural Changes to Remove Uncertainty in National Security

Thucydides said, “Peace is a temporary truce in a war that is continuously going on.” India is at war since 1947 as no nation has fought so many conventional and sub-conventional conflicts post World War–II as India. Incidentally, each of these....

Uzbek President’s Roadmap to Check Radicalization

Since attaining independence in 1991, Uzbekistan and other Central Asian Republics have been struggling to prevent the radicalization of their overwhelmingly Muslim populations. Uzbekistan quickly realized the danger of unregulated religious preachi....

Mosul Recaptured: Is This the End of Daesh?

Iraqi Prime Minister Announces the Fall of Mosul July 10, 2017 is rightly being acknowledged as a historic day in the fight against dreaded phenomenon of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) brand of terrorism. The Iraqi Pri....

Discussion on ‘Socio-Economic Solutions to the Maoist Problem'

On 31 July 2017, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a round table discussion on the Maoist Problem in India, focusing especially on its socio-economic dynamics. The panel assembled for the deliberations included policy experts, ....

Release of ‘VIF Perspective: Issues & Trends, 2017’

Hon’ble Shri Suresh Prabhu, Minister for Railways, Government of India, released the publication ‘VIF Perspective - Issues & Trends, 2017 : Securing India’, at a public event organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation on 27 Jul 2017.....

Securing India : VIF Perspective | Issues & Trends | 2017

Geopolitics is witnessing a flux not seen in decades, treading an uncertain path in the hope to arrive at a new equilibrium. India's status in this equipoise, as and when it is achieved will be decided by how deftly it deals with the changes the worl....

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