National Security and Strategic Studies
New Trends in Terrorism

On 25 November 2022, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a brainstorming session on the “New Trends in Terrorism”, focussing on the lessons learned from the 2008 Mumbai Terror attacks. Under the Chatham House Rules, ....

Radicalization in India- An Exploration

Bharat has been at the receiving end of radicalisation and Islamic terrorism for over three decades. In the study of terrorism/counter-terrorism, the terms radicalisation, religious extremism, and terrorism are frequently used interchangeably. To exp....

COP 27 and its Outcomes

In this VIF podcast, PK Khup Hangzo, Associate Fellow and Heena Samant , Research Assistant at VIF discuss COP 27 and its outcomes. The episode is conversational and flags both the positive as well as negative outcomes of COP 27 which took place from....

The Kashmir Files: Much Ado about Honesty

The furore over Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid’s condemnation of The Kashmir Files may have died down, but it does recall to memory the case of yet another controversial film, Kissa Kursi Ka. Of course, there is hardly any comparison b....

India’s Energy Transition in a Carbon-Constrained World - Final Report

The concern for climate change has spurred an intense debate on energy transition to a low carbon economy. Climate change is an existential problem facing humanity. While the developed world has contributed most to global warming, its consequences wi....

Inapt ‘Perceptions’ and Elusive ‘Peace and Tranquillity’

Dai Bingguo, then State Councillor, Director of the General Offices of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Group of the CCP’s Central Committee and Special Representative (SR) for boundary negotiations with India from 2003 to 2013 had stated ....

AIIMS Cyber-Incident— An ‘e-epidemic’ Situation for Digital Bharat

तावद्भयेषु भेतव्यं यावद्भयमनागतम् । आगतं तु भयं वीक्ष्य प्रहर्तव्यमशङ्कया ॥
“A ....

Longewala December 1971: If it Was Fought as a Unified Theatre Command Battle

Longewala- an Opportunity Lost
On 4 December 1971 when Indian forces were advancing into erstwhile East Pakistan, the Pakistanis decided to advance into Rajasthan along Axis Ramgarh – Jaisalmerand beyond. It was past midnight when sixty....

VIF Interaction with Foreign Military/Defence Attaches Posted in New Delhi

VIF organised a briefing cum discussion on the topics of ‘India’s Approach to Multilateralism’ and ‘India and J & K Issue on 26 Sept 2022 at the VIF’s premises. There were about 40 military/Defence Attaches along with some other diplomatic....

Ban on Popular Front of India - A Long Overdue Step

… strong legal measures, including a law on radicalization and terror funding are the need of the hour to clearly state that attempts to challenge India’s unity and integrity will be firmly dealt with ... red-lines need to be drawn for the media,....

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