VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 01-15 August 2021


VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 July 2021


A Review of Atmanirbharta Policies

The year 2020 can be described as an extraordinary year. COVID-19 wreaked havoc in all policy arenas, severely affecting public, economic, international relations. The Government of India meanwhile, has taken significant steps to promote the ‘Atman....

Indonesian Defence Minister’s visit to India

The defence minister of Indonesia, General Prabowo Subianto was on a three day-visit to India from 26-28 July. The meeting was aimed at strengthening bilateral defence relationship. Two years ago, both countries elevated their relationship to a compr....

Drone Swarms: Bracing up with The New Threat

(This article linked with a previous article titled, Drone Swarms - a Growing Lethality. Where is the world? Where are we? published on the VIF portal on 06 Apr 20201.While the said article highlighted the growing lethality of th....

Reflections on the Defence Budget 2018-19

The general features of the Defence Budget for 2018-19 are not different from those of the past. With a total outlay of Rs 4,04,365 cr, including Rs 1,08,853 cr towards pension liabilities, the defence outlay is 16.6 percent of the budgeted central g....

Securing India : VIF Perspective | Issues & Trends | 2017

Geopolitics is witnessing a flux not seen in decades, treading an uncertain path in the hope to arrive at a new equilibrium. India's status in this equipoise, as and when it is achieved will be decided by how deftly it deals with the changes the worl....

New Blacklisting Policy - Some Thoughts

While the new blacklisting policy issued by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 21 Nov 16 under the caption "Guidelines of the MoD for Penalties in Business Dealings with Entities" is indeed a forward looking document that moves miles ahead ....

Defence Minister’s One Year Positive Record

During his first year in office, Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar gave a free hand to the army to act pro-actively on the LoC. He led from the front and worked closely with the leadership of the armed forces, the bureaucracy and his counterparts in....

Nehru Era’s Defence and Security Policies and Their Legacy

Introduction During the nationalist movement and struggle for independence, there was little attention paid to articulation of India’s defence and security policies by the Indian National Congress (INC). Allusions to concepts and precepts....

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