Interaction with Ms. Kavita Kewal, Department of Defence, Australia

Ms. Kavita Kewal, Assistant Secretary, DOD, Australia along with other officials visited VIF on 22 July 2014 to interact with the VIF faculty on issues of mutual concern. Ms. Kavita Kewal explained Australian views on regional security environment in....

Interaction with Professor Michael Wesley of Australian National University

At an interaction with the VIF faculty on February 18, 2014, Professor Michael Wesley from Australia spoke on a range of topics including Australia’s foreign policy towards Asia and South Asia, changing power dynamics in Asia and Australian perspec....

Interaction with Australian Associate Secretary of Defence

On October 3, 2013, Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized a Round Table Discussion with the Australian Associate Secretary and Chief Operating Officer in the Ministry of Defence Mr Brendan Sargeant. In his welcoming remarks, Mr Prabhat....

Interaction with H. E Amb Glenn White, Australian Ambassador to Nepal

On 3rd September 2013, VIF welcomed Amb Glenn White, the Australian Ambassador to Nepal for a brief interaction on the latest political developments in Nepal. Having spent the last four months in Nepal, Amb White gave a succinct assess....

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