Sanctions against Russia and its impact on Indian Economy

On 24 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced ‘special military action’ against its eastern neighbour Ukraine. The USA and the European Union vehemently criticised the move as unjustified, unprovoked act to invade Ukraine and im....

Vimarsh on Russia-Ukraine Crisis

On 14 March, 2022, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a Vimarsh on the “Russia-Ukraine Crisis”. The session encompassed a series of introductory remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, and a talk on the stated theme by Amb....

India-Japan Summit: Reinforced Commitment under the Ukraine Shadow

In normal times, the 70th Anniversary of bilateral ties between India and Japan would have been celebrated with much fanfare; yet the occasion was marked with the 14th Annual Summit in New Delhi after the previous one had been held in Tokyo in Oct 20....

Chinese Assessments of the US and Western Sanctions on Russia

After the February 4 summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing on the side-lines of the Beijing Winter Olympics, where Putin briefed Xi Jinping -- or certainly gave him at least a fair insight into hi....

West Asian and North African states’ Response to Russia-Ukraine Crisis

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched military campaign against Ukraine after months of posturing, military build-ups and breakdown of the Minsk agreement that failed to stall the conflict between Russian-backed separatists in the two breakaway region....

China: Daily Scan, March 17, 2022

Former Supreme Court official indicted for graft: Xinhuanet
March 17, 2022
Meng Xiang, former chief of the enforcement bureau of the Supreme People's Court, has been indicted on charges of taking bribes, the Supreme People's Pro....

Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Where do African Countries Stand?

On 21st February 2022, President Vladimir Putin recognised the independence of Ukraine’s breakaway regions, Donetsk and Luhansk and decided to support Moscow-backed separatists with a military operation March 17, 2022 International Relations and Diplomacy , Africa , Article , Russia , Energy Security , Ukraine , United Nations , Sudan , Food Security , Mali , African Union , Coups , Russia Africa Summit , Wagner
China: Daily Scan, March 16, 2022

Xi's speech on Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to be published: Xinhuanet
March 15, 2022
A speech by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at a central conferen....

The Russian Airpower Dilemma

General Observations
The ‘fog of information war’ challenges any meaningful analysis at this stage. The western narrative with connivance of the corporate sector has virtually silenced the ‘other’ narrative. It is clear that everyth....

China: Daily Scan, March 15, 2022

Report on Work of NPC Standing Committee: Xinhuanet
March 14, 2022
Following is the full text of the Report on the Work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC). Delivered by chairman of the NPC Standing....

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