Neighborhood News Digest – 06 March 2023

Iran opens trade center, permanent exhibition in Kabul – Tehran Times
Iran’s trade center and permanent exhibition of Iranian products was inaugurated in Kabul on Sunday, the Iranian Embassy in Afghanistan announc....

War and peace in Ukraine one year on

Russia, Ukraine and NATO are locked into inflexible positions that do not permit compromise sans loss of face. Four days before the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden undertook an arduous journey to ....

One year of Russia’s war on Ukraine: A war of attrition, with no exit options in sight

No one has a clear definition of victory or end goals. The Western bloc is enthusiastically pursuing sanctions against Russia for the moment but countries like India have wisely chosen to prioritise its own economic needs The Russia-Ukraine war is....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: January 2023

Vivekananda International Foundation commenced 2023 with renewed vigour in which seven expert groups met and two of which had interactions with ambassadors from Singapore and Italy. The areas of interest were China, Iran, US, Pakistan, Indo-Pacific, ....

Overview of Geopolitics in 2022 and Looking at 2023

The Year 2022 saw the organizing principles of the international system become more fragmented even with facade of multilateral summitry. Despite US unipolar moment receding, China’s ascendancy has yet to translate into US decline. With absence of ....

Lessons of Ukraine War, and Applicability on India

Since it began, the Russia-Ukraine has thrown up an overabundance of geopolitical, geo-economic and geostrategic lessons. It is humbling to note that the lessons of 2021 were in total variance with those of 2022. India has learnt significant geostra....

Indo-Russian Relations in the Changing Geopolitical Environment

Geopolitical Environment
India-Russia relations have stood the test of time for several decades. But they are under considerable pressure now due to the ongoing multi-dimensional global crisis, which has impacted the two countries diff....

Russia’s Ukraine War and the Concept of Balance of Power since Congress of Vienna

From Congress of Vienna to the beginning of the First World War; Europe survived for nearly a century without a major war like the one it saw ended with the Battle of Waterloo or the one it would see starting in 1914. During this....

China: Daily Scan, November 16, 2022

China's ex-senior provincial legislator prosecuted: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022
A public prosecution has been initiated against Sun Guoxiang, a former senior legislator of northeast China's Liaoning Province, over suspected brib....

Political Control on Use of Combat Power

Russia-Ukraine War 2022 is emphasizing on a time-worn question: what is the balance between political control and military operational expertise in deciding military strategy? Consequent to the attack on Kerch Bridge, Russia struck with high-p....

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