Commentaries & Articles
NIA is Fast Emerging as a Professional Investigating Agency

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) that was established in 2009, post-26/11 Mumbai terror attack, with the specific charter to investigate terror related incidents, achieved a major success on 13th December, 2016 when the NIA Special Court at Hy....

The State and the People: Approaches from Pakistan’s Text-Books

Writing of history has always fought the battle of opinions emerging from strands of value laden historians on the one hand and the unnegotiable rule of objectivity on the other. But in the long race for establishment of nation-state and the desir....

Ballistic Missiles: Sheet Anchors of India’s Nuclear Deterrence

On December 26, 2016, India tested the 5,000 plus km Agni-5 IRBM for the fourth time. The test that was conducted from Kalam Island in the Bay of Bengal achieved all the mission parameters that had been stipulated. After user trials over the next ....

A Score Card for India's Foreign Policy in 2016

India continued its vigorous diplomacy in 2016 under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership. Modi’s aspiration to make India a “leading power” by overcoming the challenges it faces and the opportunities it offers was pursued duri....

क्यों खास हैं पाकिस्तान के नए सेना प्रमुख?

पाकिस्तान के सेना प्रमुख पद पर लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल कमर जावेद बाजवा की नियुक्ति के साथ ही जनरल राह�....

Northern Territories and a Search for Japanese-Russian Rapprochement

Lit. “Three Years on a Rock” (“One must be prepared to persevere at something for a long time before expecting to start seeing results.”) The above mentioned kotowaza truly signifies Shinzo A....

The Crumbling “Caliphate” and its Implications: A Western Perspective

Ever since the international community, particularly under the leadership of the United States (US), began its anti-Daesh (ISIS) coalition military campaign in late 2014, a debate had started, and it is still continuing, over the likely impa....

राष्ट्रीय औषधि नीति का पुनर्निर्माण

राष्ट्रीय औषधि नीति इतना विवादित विषय है कि पिछले चार दशक में एक के बाद सरकारें इससे जूझती रह�....

मिलिए नए प्रमुख से; पुराने प्रमुख जैसे तो नहीं?

पाकिस्तान के अगले सेना प्रमुख कमर जावेद बाजवा की नियुक्ति की घोषणा से पहले जो अटकलें लगाई जा �....

China’s Grand Strategy in Asia

The Chinese Quest China has attracted tremendous attention in the last couple of decades. Its rapid rise on the world stage spurred by remarkable economic growth for over three decades has led to its resurgence as a ....

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