Commentaries & Articles
Indus Waters Treaty Revisited

Recognising the need to impose costs on Pakistan for its relentless export of terrorism to India the Modi government is having a relook at the Indus Waters Treaty. This move, the first of its kind by any Indian government, is also eminently desira....

पुलिस सुधारों के लिए पुलिस की मनोवृत्ति सुधारना आवश्यक है

देश में जहां कहीं भी जघन्य या गम्भीर अपराध होते हैं तो संबंधित राज्य पुलिस तथा मीडिया रटी-रटाय�....

President Rahmon’s Visit: India-Tajikistan Relations Reach New Heights

State Visit India and Tajikistan have nurtured warm and strong relations through the ages. Tajikistan is in India’s extended neighborhood, and is a geo-politically significant country. Indo-Tajik friendship is underl....

Developments in Myanmar

A week-long business exploratory trip to Myanmar was a rewarding experience and confirmed the availability of exponential opportunities to participate in developmental activities. The first thing to strike was the perceptible change in the charact....

Is Swapping Hambantota Port Debt to Equity a Panacea for Sri Lanka’s Debt Crisis?

The Sri Lakan cabinet has approved a proposal under which Sri Lanka will lease 80 percent of the Hambantota Port to Hong Kong-based China Merchants Port Holdings Company (CMPort) for 99 years for $1.12 billion.1 This Framework Agreement was signed on....

आसियान में बढ़ती अनिश्चिततताः चीन के खेमे में जाना या चीन के खतरे से बचाव?

इस वर्ष जुलाई में दक्षिण चीन सागर पर हेग अंतरराष्ट्रीय न्यायाधिकरण का फैसला आने के बाद हुए घट�....

Post-Demonetisation – The Way Forward

On November 8, 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shook the economy by the scruff of its neck with his decision to demonetise more than 85 per cent of the Indian currency (by value) then in circulation. The announcement, televised live to the nati....

NIA is Fast Emerging as a Professional Investigating Agency

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) that was established in 2009, post-26/11 Mumbai terror attack, with the specific charter to investigate terror related incidents, achieved a major success on 13th December, 2016 when the NIA Special Court at Hy....

The State and the People: Approaches from Pakistan’s Text-Books

Writing of history has always fought the battle of opinions emerging from strands of value laden historians on the one hand and the unnegotiable rule of objectivity on the other. But in the long race for establishment of nation-state and the desir....

Ballistic Missiles: Sheet Anchors of India’s Nuclear Deterrence

On December 26, 2016, India tested the 5,000 plus km Agni-5 IRBM for the fourth time. The test that was conducted from Kalam Island in the Bay of Bengal achieved all the mission parameters that had been stipulated. After user trials over the next ....

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