Commentaries & Articles
A Study on Skills and Employment Strategy for India’s Poor Districts

Introduction The focus of the study is to identify the reasons for their remaining poor and backward, and designing a skills and employment strategy based on the ground conditions as revealed by the census data. This Study reli....

Tripura and a North-Eastern Perspective

India`s north-east is a fascinating geo-political entity in the country`s internal context. The developments in the region, or rather the sub-region, has continued to have ramifications since the first decade of India`s nationhood, both internally an....

Commentary: Electoral Bonds – First Step to Cleanse the Electoral System

Indians take pride in the fact that they are citizens of the world’s largest democracy and that despite poverty, under-development and fairly high levels of illiteracy, the democratic spirit in well and truly ingrained in the people. While all t....

Dawn of the Coalition Era in Indian Politics

Parliamentary and presidential democracies in modern India can function only with the presence of political parties. Constitutionally, India is a quasi-federal structure with a parliamentary form of government. The heterogeneous nature of Indian soci....

जनाधार की कसौटी पर खरी भाजपा

गुजरात और हिमाचल चुनाव सम्पन्न होने के बाद हार-जीत का हिसाब लगाने और आंकड़ों की कसौटी पर परिणामो�....

Trends India should Watch out for in 2018

The year 2017 will go down in history for two momentous developments that are shaping the future of India – the GST and digitalization, and formalization of Indian economy post demonitisation. The ruling party’s massive win in the UP assembly ele....

नीतियाँ और नज़रिया

24 नवम्बर 2017 को सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने यह मत दिया कि जनहित याचिकाओं की प्रणाली पर पुनर्विचार किया ज�....

भाजपा कैसे जीती... और कांग्रेस कैसे हारी

कांग्रेस के जिन गलियारों में निराशा के जाले और हार की सीलन मजबूत ये मजबूत इरादे वालों को भी उलटे....

औद्योगिक कारणों के लिये अधिग्रहित जमीनों का लैंड यूज बदलने के कारण

नोएडा, ग्रेटर नोएडा तथा यमुना औद्योगीकरण विकास प्राधिकरणों के औद्योगीकरण पर पड़े प्रभावों क....

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