RNP Singh is former Director of India First Foundation, New Delhi and Managing Editor of two widely acclaimed Journals Eaternal India and Chirantan Bharat (Hindi). RNP Singh has written number of books including Riots & Wrongs, Bangladesh Decoded, ISI Ka Atank, Pakistan Ki Haquiqat (both in Hindi) and the latest Nehru : A Troubled Legacy (2015). His works have won wide recognition for their uniform excellence.
He is a former officer of the Intelligence Bureau, Government of India. His distinguished service credentials earned him a coveted President’s Police Medal, Indian Police Medal, the Sukriti and Kautilya awards.
The present book, Patel : Unifier of Modern India, is the outcome of RNP Singh’s sustained research effort. He has factually, objectively and comprehensively presented Patel’s spirit and work with a view to presenting before readers in the service of this land of many unsolved problems.
RNP Singh was a Senior Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation, a think tank, New Delhi.