Commentaries & Articles
Brexit and the European Union

Mrs. Theresa May’s victory in a poll of the Conservative party MPs by a margin of 200 - 117 revealed deep division within her own party on the Brexit issue. This made a vote on the floor of the House of Commons too risky. The vote scheduled for 11t....

George Bush – A Tribute

George Herbert Walker Bush was the last US President who fought in the Second World War. He also presided over the demise of Cold War. He deftly used multilateralism to advance US national interests. The success of American led coalition in the first....

Decoding China’s Stance on South China Sea

China has been looking into formalizing of a Code of Conduct (COC) for the South China Sea (SCS) and seeks a possible long lasting solution to the maritime territorial dispute that persists with its other claimant countries. There have been consultat....

India- Mozambique Relations: Surging Ahead

The Republic of Mozambique, located in the south-eastern part of the African continent, has a population of 30 million. The country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean to its east, and has Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa ....

Blue vs Green: An Analysis of the Mid-Term Elections in Taiwan

On 24 November 2018, the ‘nine-in–one’ local government and mid-term elections were held in Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost seven out of the 13 cities and counties, including two special municipalities; Taichung and Kaohsiun....

West Asia Roundup, November 2018

Iraq Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi finally became the Head of Government in a fledgling Iraqi political and security scenario. Despite some consensus between the two largest parliamentary coalitions and blessings of their respect....

ईरान, अमेरिकी प्रतिबंध और तेल

ईरान पर अमेरिका के तेल और बैंकिंग प्रतिबंध 4 नवंबर से प्रभावी हो गए। राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने कहा है �....

India’s Act East Policy and Chinese Perceptions

Last month, a multi-think tank delegation visited China to interact with Chinese think tanks on the current state of India-China relations and the way forward. Among many other issues the Chinese experts and scholars were very keen to discuss and ana....

साइबर अपराध पर प्रथम अफ्रीकी सम्मेलन संपन्न

दुनिया भर में इंटरनेट अफ्रीकी देशों में ही सबसे तेज रफ्तार से अपनी पैठ बना रहा है। अफ्रीकी संघ न....

America First: Foreign Policy of Mr. Trump

Several recent episodes have brought out the nature of the ‘America First’ policy of President Trump. What is then the place of cherished values of human rights and free trade in the US foreign policy today? Human Rights The first ....

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