International Relations/Diplomacy
Round Table Discussion on "Indo-U.S. Military Cooperation in the context of South Asian Security and the Way Ahead"

A Round Table discussion on “Indo-U.S. Military Cooperation in the context of South Asian Security and the Way Ahead” was held on 17 May 2012. The guest speaker, on the occasion was Dr. Amer Latif, currently visiting fellow with the Wadhwani Chair for U.S.-India Policy Studies at CSIS. Previously, he was director for South Asian affairs in the Office of South and Southeast Asian Affairs in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy (OSDP).

Vivekananda International Foundation & the Heritage Foundation: A Bilateral Initiative

A Seminar on 'Perspectives on Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region' was held between 30th April and 1st May 2012 in New Delhi. The Heritage Foundation was represented by Mr. Walter Lohman, Director, Asian Studies Center, Ms. Lisa Curtis, Senior Research Fellow, Asian Studies Center and Mr. Dean Cheng, Research Fellow, Chinese Political & Security Affairs. The focus of the Seminar centered primarily on the India-U.S., India-China and India-U.S. – China relationships in the 21st Century.

Interaction with Mr. Michel Miraillet, Director Strategic Affair, Govt. of France

As part of what could be described as an exercise in Track 1.5 diplomacy, Mr. Michel Miraillet, Director Strategic Affairs in France’s Ministry of Defence, held wide-ranging and intense interaction with the VIF’s battery of policy experts on March 1, 2012. The visit by Mr. Miraillet ostensibly aimed at finding ways to broaden further the scope for strategic convergence between the two countries. The panel of Indian discussants was led by Mr. Ajit Doval KC, Director VIF and included, among others, Ambassador PP Shukla, Joint Director VIF, Mr.

From Non-State to Inter-State Security Threats in Asia’s Maritime Domain: The Case of China and India

Full Paper in pdf format is available here

Interaction with a U.S. Delegation on ‘US and Indian Roles in Afghanistan’

Representatives from Monitor 360, a US-based consultancy firm executing a project for the US Department of Defence and engaged in research and study of global strategic and analytical challenges, visited VIF on Feb 14, 2012. Their visit ostensibly aimed at exploring perceptions among India’s strategic elite regarding the US and Indian Roles in Afghanistan as a result of the US drawdown. The Monitor 360 team held an exhaustive interaction with Mr.

Interaction with Mr. Ribal Al-Assad on ‘Syria and the Arab Spring’

At an interaction with eminent strategic experts held at VIF on Feb 08, 2011, Mr. Ribal al Assad, Chairman of the Organization for Democracy and Freedom in Syria, based in London, and son of the former Syrian leader Rifat al Assad, presently campaigning for democratic freedom in Syria, provided a rich insight into his country’s current internal dynamics in the larger Arab context. While remaining highly critical of the role played by outside powers in further vitiating the already muddied situation in Syria, Mr.

Interaction on 'Taiwan - Post Election Scenario'

H.E. Mr. Wenchyi Ong, Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre, New Delhi, held an informal interaction on Feb 07, 2012 with a panel of eminent strategic experts at VIF. The interaction was primarily focused on the post election scenario in Taiwan, but a number of related subjects such as cross-strait relations, nuances of the ‘one China policy’, defence preparedness of Taiwan, and the bilateral relationship between India and Taiwan also came up for discussion. H.E. Mr.

Towards A Stable Afghanistan: The Way Forward

(A report of Joint Working Group of Vivekananda International Foundation and RUSI, the UK) The experts from the two think tanks met in New Delhi and London during October and November 2011 to deliberate on peace and stability in Afghanistan. Both the countries have stakes in the emerging situation in Afghanistan and have contributed to peace and stability in Afghanistan in many ways. The report also took into account the opinions of a wide array of strategic analysts, many government officials, and academics.

Interaction with a Taiwanese Delegation

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held an informal closed-door interaction with a visiting delegation from a Taiwan-based Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation at its premises on 18 November 2011. The delegation was led by Mr. Kuang-Chung Liu, President Prospect Foundation and comprised four other members including Ms Migonne Chan, Executive Director, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center and Prof Tuang Y. Cheng, National Chengchi University Taiwan, R.O.C.

Interaction with US Congressional Delegation

Leading a four-member delegation of the Oversight and Investigation for the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the United States House of Representatives, Chief Council Mr. J Harold Rees, visited Vivekananda International foundation Oct 21, 2011 for an interaction on the situation in Afghanistan against the backdrop of an increasingly complex situation there. He was accompanied by Ms. Janice V. Kaguyutan, Deputy Chief Council and two other members of the committee - Ms. Sarah Leiby and Mr. William Hawkins.

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