International Relations/Diplomacy
Round Table Discussion on the ‘Slowdown of China’s Economy’

The VIF held an internal discussion on the current trends in the Chinese economy on 21 July 2016. The discussion was held in two parts; part one of the discussion ‘Slowdown of the Chinese Economy: Implications for India’ was led by Dr. Arvind Virmani, former Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance (India) and Executive Director, IMF (International Monetary Fund), while Amb Ashok K Kantha, India’s former Ambassador to China and Distinguished Fellow, VIF, analysed the ‘New Normal in China’s Economy: Implications for India’.

Round Table Discussion on The South China Sea Dispute Ruling - Implications

Against the backdrop of 12 July 2016, award by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) on the South China Sea (SCS), a Round Table Discussion was held on 2 August 2016, on “South China Dispute Ruling: Implications”. The discussion started with the opening remarks by the Director, Gen N.C Vij, followed by two presentations of Vice Admiral Anup Singh (The Philippines vs. China: PCA ruling) and Amb. Ashok Kantha (Implications of the Award & China’s Actions). This was followed by a brainstorming discussion.

Russia, Europe and The United States: Emerging Power Play

"The Soviet Union ceased to exist twenty-five years ago but tensions between Russia and the West have remained high despite the end of the Cold War. The West still seems to be struggling to come to terms with the reality of a post-Soviet Russia and is not clear how to craft its policies towards a Russia that seeks to “regain its lost prestige” under Putin. This work seeks to examine Russia’s trajectory and Western attitudes toward Moscow and analyze the reasons for Russia’s new assertiveness and the global implications of this emerging power play in Eurasia"

Interaction with H.E. Ms. Harinder Sidhu, Australian High Commissioner to India

On 15 July 2016, the VIF invited H.E. Ms. Harinder Sidhu, Australia’s High Commissioner to India, for a talk on ‘India-Australia Relations and the Way Forward’ followed by an interactive session. A broad panel of eminent security and foreign policy experts, including maritime experts and former diplomats, among others, interacted with the Australian High Commissioner.

Round Table Discussion on “India’s Indian Ocean Strategy”

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) recently convened a Round Table Discussion (RTD) on ‘India’s Indian Ocean Strategy’. The discussion was intended to examine the steps that India needs to take, to construct a strategy for the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), especially after the Prime Minister had articulated his vision of Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), in March 2015, at Mauritius. The discussion was attended by a number of luminaries including senior retired diplomatic, naval and government functionaries as also senior serving officers.

Visit of Delegation from the Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS), UK

An eighteen-member delegation from the Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS), led by Major General Simon Leslie Peters, visited the VIF on 08 Jun, 2016 for an interaction that focused, among other things, on India’s foreign policy imperatives amidst the rise in multispectral threat scenario across the region and beyond.

Seminar on India-China Maritime Cooperation

The VIF organised a Seminar on ‘India-China Maritime Cooperation’ in collaboration with a few Chinese think tanks namely, Naval Research Institute of PLAN, the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS) and the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy Of Social Sciences (CASS) on 16 and 17 May 2016.

A Round Table Discussion with Keith Webster, Head of International Cooperation (the Pentagon) on DTTI

In continuation of a dialogue on DTTI (Defence Trade and Technology Initiative) with the U.S. trade representative Keith Webster, held at the Vivekananda International Foundation on 5 May 2016, substantive discussions were held on three key aspects of the emerging dynamic of India-U.S.

Interaction with a Taiwanese Delegation

Dr. Lai Yi-chung, Deputy Director of Taiwan Think Tank and leading strategist of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), accompanied by Dr. Mumin Chen, Director, Center for Strategic Studies on South Asia and Middle East, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, visited the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 4 May 2016 for an interaction on India-Taiwan relations, Taiwan’s new Southbound Policy and related issues.

Consecration of China’s ‘New Period’ People’s Liberation Army

A Home Run of Military Modernisation At the dawn of Year 2016, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) officially promulgated the commencement of the final phase of restructuring of its apex setup for management of national defence as well as its highest organisation for the exercise of military command and control over its 2.3 million strong People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Click here to read full paper

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