Commentaries & Articles
A Potential War Looms over the Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang seems determined to keep tensions in the Korean Peninsula alive. In a provocative start to 2024, it launched new cruise missile test for submarine.
China and France in the New World Order
This year, 2024, marks six decades of the diplomatic relationship between China and France. Chinese President Xi Jingping announced breaking new grounds to further strengthen their bilateral ties.
India's Strategic Outlook & its Civilisational Approach
Chairman VIF, Shri S Gurumurthy's keynote address delivered at the VIF as part of the capsule course for serving Naval Officers. (6th February 2024)
Bestowing Padma Award to Honour Foxconn’s Young Liu
The list of 132 Padma awardees on this Republic Day had a unique recipient this time around.
Ayushman Bharat: A Milestone in India’s Healthcare System
धर्मार्थ काम मोक्षाणां आरोग्यं मूलमुतमम्। रोगास्तस्यापहर्तारः श्रेयशो जीवितस्य च।। - (Charaka Samhita) [The foundation for performing Dharma, Artha, Kama and attaining Moksha is good health (Arogya)....
Red Sea Crisis and India’s Options
Since mid-November 2023, the maritime security in the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the larger Western Indian Ocean has been gravely upended due to the repeated attacks on merchant shipping by the Yemen-based Houthi rebels.
VIF News Digests
Neighbourhood News
July 11, 2024
Neighborhood News Digest- 11 July 2024

Afghanistan Afghanistan's Exports to Iran Reach $16 Million-Tolo News The Ministry of Industry and Commerce states that...

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Africa Now
January 1, 2024
Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 52, 2023)

Commentary How the Global South is rediscovering centuries of shared history to challenge Western domination India’s...

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Defense, National Security and Terrorism, VIF Alerts
July 8, 2024
VIF News Digest : National Security- Defence Studies & Terrorism, (16-30 June 2024)

Defence IAF Participation in USA hosted Exercise Red Flag 2024. CDS releases Joint Doctrine for Cyberspace Operations....

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Eurasia News Digest
July 3, 2024
Eurasia News Digest (16-30 June, 2024)

Russia & Central Asia EU adopts 14th package of sanctions against Russia for its continued illegal war against Ukraine,...

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VIF Cyber Review
July 10, 2024
Cyber Review-June 2024

National Estonia is looking to partner with Bharat to strengthen its cyber security infrastructure. According to government...

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Myanmar Round Up
July 8, 2024
Myanmar Round Up: June 2024

June 2024 has been a tumultuous month for Myanmar, marked by significant military operations, escalating conflicts, and a...

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West Asia Round Up
June 19, 2024
West Asia Roundup: May 2024

Abstract India and Iran signed a Chabahar port management contract for a ten-year period which had been agreed to during PM...

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Global Developments And Analysis: Weekly Monitor
July 2, 2024
Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (17-23 June 2024)

Economic China's influence on U.N. space agency grows as top funder China has been making the largest voluntary contribution...

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Science and Technology
July 11, 2024
Science and Technology (S&T) Digest (16-30 June 2024), Issue 40

In this Issue I. Defence and Security Private Defence Companies Revenue to Grow by 20 percent in FY 2024-25 Indian Air...

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US Insights
June 6, 2024
US- Insights - May 2024

India-US Relations How India-US relations could change after the 2024 elections This year the US and India are both holding...

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Culture & Civilisation
July 8, 2024
Cultural and Civilisational Digest: June-2024

India’s archaeological site museums need major makeover. Vadnagar must set an example- The Print There’s a notable rise in...

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Multilateralism Digest
June 3, 2024
Multilateralism Digest: May 2024-Issue 5

I. India in the UN Indian inputs for a substantial Summit of the Future India contributes to CTTF India chairs Committee A...

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China Digest
June 5, 2023
China Digest (16-31 May 2023)

India-China Relations It is learnt that China objected to the proposal from India to add Abdul Rauf of the JeM to the UN...

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China URL Archive
Global Development and Analysis - Url Archive

India-Nepal Relations ...   

India's Strategic Outlook & it ...   

Assessing Ten Years of Belt an ...   

A Brief Evaluation of Maldives ...   

Bilateral Ties Through Various ...   

Water Security in India ...   

Changing Dynamics of India-Mya ...   

Caste Bill in the California S ...   

Recent trends in Environment a ...   

New Dimensions in India-US Rel ...   

About Us

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) is a New Delhi-based think tank set up with the collaborative efforts of India's leading security experts, diplomats and philanthropists under the aegis of the Vivekananda Kendra. The VIF’s objective is to become a centre of excellence to kick start innovative ideas and thoughts that can lead to a stronger, secure and prosperous India playing its destined role in global affairs.

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