Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: November 2020

In November six expert group discussions were organized by the Vivekananda International Foundation through webinar on events and topics extending from India’s neighbourhood to West Asia to USA. Each of the members of the expert groups brought rich flavour and knowledge on the topic through their varied professional backgrounds (military, diplomacy and academia). This issue contains reports of the U.S, Pakistan, West Asia, and China Expert Groups. In addition two more country specific topics relating to Nepal and Myanmar in India’s neighborhood were discussed.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: October 2020

The Vivekananda International Foundation in October hosted different Expert Groups through video conferencing. Members of these groups contributed immensely by sharing knowledge gained through vast experience in their respective fields. This issue contains reports of the U.S, Pakistan, West Asia, and China Expert Groups.

Left Wing Extremism: The Way Ahead

Left-wing extremism, also called Naxalism, or Maoism has been around since the late 60s. After 60 years, the movement may be down but not out. The UPA government had described the Maoist movement as the greatest internal security threat. In the last few years, the government has been proactive in dealing with the Naxalist violence. A judicious mix of security and developmental measures have put considerable pressure on the movement. According to government figures, there has been a significant decline in moist violence since 2014.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: September 2020

The month of September saw the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosting members of various Expert Groups via video conferencing. In spirit, the discussions’ were about legacy as they elaborated on the upcoming U.S elections, Prime Minister Abe resigning as the Prime Minister of Japan, and Bangladesh celebrating 50 years of independence next year. Other deliberations also included the major events in Pakistan as well as significant developments in West Asia.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2020

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) strives to ensure relevant geo-strategic discussions by different Expert Groups covering global as well as regional issues. In that vein, the groups hosted by VIF not only focused on foreign relations but prioritised discussions on the economic aspects. This issue consists of deliberations on U.S, Pakistan, India-Sri Lanka, India-Germany, and enhancing the regional value chain in South Asia.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: June-July 2020

As COVID-19 continues to mount heavy casualties worldwide, China’s aggressiveness on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and expansionism in the South China Sea has led India to look for viable strategic solutions to counter China. The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), in response to these transgressions, held several task force meetings engaging with various experts, including former military, diplomats, and distinguished academics.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: April-May 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the world’s inability to deal with impending non-traditional security threats. India is confronted with the pandemic leading to a wide range of issues on the domestic and international fronts Under these circumstances, Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) has been actively engaging in discussions with a host of experts on a variety of issues to help charter a course for India’s next steps in the neighbourhood, bilateral relations with China, and other major powers.

Achieving Self Reliance through Indigenous R&D by DRDO /Industry - Part II

India is at the cusp of metamorphosing from a regional player to one with global clout. As India’s geo-political and economic ambitions grow, it needs to develop robust indigenous manufacturing capabilities and ecosystem to secure its ambition for self-reliance in the Aerospace and Defence industry.

Priority issues for India in External Trade

Four broad concerns capture the current context surrounding India’s external trade. First is our sluggish export performance for the last several years owing to global slowdown and also due to our declining competitiveness. With a share of 1.65 per cent in world goods exports today, India ranks 19th among all countries that is way below its size or GDP. India’s merchandise imports has also gone past US$ 500 billion now. The trade deficit at US$ 176 billion in 2018-19 as a result is over 50 per cent of exports. The need for a strong push for manufacturing exports is compelling.

Credible Cyber Deterrence in Armed Forces of India

India has to be militarily powerful to be a meaningful player in international politics. As the world’s fifth largest economy, it must be a secure nation to deter her enemies. India’s Poet Laureate Dr. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, in his poem quoted above, has correctly observed that only the powerful possess the ability to pardon someone and that no one cares for the weak or toothless.

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