Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: May 2022

In the month of May 2022 Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized five expert group interactions and one think tank interaction with most of them being hybrid. The dominant theme in most of the interactions was the Ukraine-Russia conflict and its implications on various parts of the world. The other expert groups covered the relevant topics i.e. Pakistan’s political scene, the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Europe and US in West Asia with their ramifications. This edition contains views USA, Europe, Pakistan, China, Taiwan, Indo-Pacific and West Asia and their impact on India.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: April 2022

In the month of April 2022 Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized six expert group interactions with most of them being hybrid. All the interactions covered the relevant and engaging topics in the world and the region i.e. Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Pakistan’s political scene, with their ramifications to the various groupings, regions and to India specifically. This edition contains views on issues affecting USA, Europe, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Asia and their impact on India.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: March 2022

In the month of March 2022 Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized six expert group interactions with most of them being hybrid, the interaction of the strategic discussions group on the Ukraine crisis are for the first time being included in the report.All the interactions covered the most current of topics in the world and the region i.e Ukraine and Pakistan’s political scene, with their ramifications to the various countries, their groupings, regions and to India specifically.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: February 2022

The month of February 2022 at Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) was filled with meetings and dialogues. In the month VIF organized four expert group interactions, and three dialogues with Russia (Russian International Affairs Council), Japan (Japan Institute for National Fundamentals) and ‘Quad Plus’ through webinars in the month. All these interactions and dialogues covered a wide spectrum of topics as well as geography across the world. The selection of topics are contemporary and of interest to academia, policy makers, decision makers and the general public.

Protection of National Critical Information Infrastructure

India is in the next phase of digital transformation. The digital presence of economic and national security infrastructure is growing in the country at a rapid pace. All critical infrastructures are dependent and have integrated cyber technologies for management, control, and operations. Different types of software are in use. The critical systems are under various types of cyber-attacks. The complexity and numbers of attacks against critical information infrastructureare increasingand becoming sophisticated by the day.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: January 2022

Vivekananda International Foundation organized four expert group interactions, and an ongoing dialogue with the American think tank; Centre for New American Studies (CNAS) through webinars in the month of January 2022. All these interactions and dialogues covered a wide spectrum of topics as well as geography across the world. The selection of topics are contemporary and of interest to academia, policy makers, decision makers and the general public.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: December 2021

Vivekananda International Foundation organized two expert group interactions through webinars in the month of December 2021. The reduced number of expert groups meetings were due to previous commitments, and holidays for most of the participants. However the two expert groups covered a wide geographic swath of the Indo-Pacific and West Asia and deliberated on very important events and thus provide understanding and contextualized the present discourse from a larger geo-political and Indian perspective. The diversity of the expertise brought rich flavor and knowledge on the topic.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: November 2021

Vivekananda International Foundation organized two think tank interactions and two expert group meetings through webinars on events and topics in the month of November 2021. The think tank interactions were with premier counterparts in USA and in Taiwan. The expert and interaction groups provide layers of understanding and contextualized the present discourse from an Indian perspective.

India’s Energy Transition in a Carbon-Constrained World: The Role of Nuclear Power - Interim Report

The concern for climate change has spurred an intense debate on energy transition to a low carbon economy. Climate change is an existential problem facing humanity. While the developed world has contributed most to global warming, its consequences will be felt by all countries. The worst affected will be those least equipped to deal with it. Vivekananda International Foundation has undertaken a study of energy choices available to India keeping in mind our development perspective.

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: October 2021

Vivekananda International Foundation organized four expert groups and one Vimarsha through webinars on events and topics affecting India’s interests worldwide in the month of October 2021. The expert and discussion groups provide layers of understanding and contextualized the present discourse from the past for the future. The diversity of the expertise of each of the members of the expert and discussion groups brought rich flavor and knowledge on the topic through their varied professional backgrounds (military, diplomacy and academia).

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