Alternate Perceptions of India: Arguing for a Counter Narrative

Introduction Descriptions of India and of Hindus that have assumed a dominant position in the discourse on Indian civilisation and culture have mostly been those which have distorted the perception of India. Written and expounded with a clear objective of undermining the Indian self-image and self-estimation, these portrayals of India’s traditions and life are the ones which have largely influenced and shaped the understanding of India not only among generations of colonial administrators who came to India but among Indians themselves.

Contamination of Water Resources and Associated Health Hazards: The Need of a Safe Water Policy and Proper Institutional Response with Special Reference to India

Abstract In this research paper the author has discussed the different aspects of water borne diseases, their impact on human health and means for ensuring safe drinking water in the country. Water borne diseases are a big burden on developing countries like India. The availability of safe drinking water would be a grave challenge for the government as the population of our country is rising sharply, and as per some estimates, by 2025 half of the nation’s population would be residing in urban areas.

The Role of Ballistic Missile Defence in The Emerging India-China Strategic Balance

India and China have been pursuing essentially a two pronged strategy in Asia, particularly in the Indian Ocean region. On the one hand, they are engaged in a growing economic partnership with a moderating influence on the strategic competition. On the other hand, they have been relentless in their pursuit of a militarily advantageous position in the region. The equation, however, is not comparable, with India having to account for Pakistan, while China has to contend with a US-Taiwan partnership.

Unblocking of NATO Supply Routes By Pakistan: Logistics or Plain Politics?

The flow of oil through NATO's Pakistani supply lines is due to resume soon, one year after the attack by NATO troops on the Pakistani outpost at Salala. The decision comes after the first two test-run tankers passed safely through the Torkham crossing in the beginning of November, 2012. Earlier the logistical supply lines, but not the oil supply lines, were opened in July, 2012.

Political Analysis of Election Possibilities in Pakistan

Yet Another Turning Point? Every general election in Pakistan has been viewed with a mixture of trepidation and hope and hence invariably touted as a critical turning point in that country’s history. Full Paper in pdf format is available here

Sino-Indian War: Fifty Years On

Fifty years ago this month China and India went to war. Historically, the conflict that began on October 20 was a blip, lasting only a month with hostilities confined to their disputed border and even limited to the use of both countries’ armies with a minimal role for their air force and navies. On the world stage the conflict was overshadowed by a superpower stand-off between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Full Paper in pdf format is available here

India - China Relations: Problems and Prospects

Rise of China: Challenge or Opportunity? China’s extraordinarily rapid rise in the hierarchy of global power is raising concerns about its future policies. Opinion is divided whether China will increasingly assert its power in disruptive ways or will act more responsibly as its own stakes in the international system grow. Arguments can be made for both views, though emerging signs suggest that China’s self-assertion is becoming an unpleasant reality, whereas the expectation that it will work for and within a global consensus remains more a matter of hope.

Health Infrastructure in India: Critical Analysis of Policy Gaps in the Indian Healthcare Delivery

Today the health infrastructure of India is in pathetic condition, it needs radical reforms to deal with new emerging challenges. On the one hand the role of private players is continuously increasing in healthcare sector, but simultaneously healthcare facilities are getting costly, and becoming non-accessible for the poor. The government hospitals are facing the problem of lack of resources and infrastructure; there are inadequate number of beds, rooms, and medicines. In this research paper the authors have discussed the present scenario of healthcare facilities and personnel.

Amarnath Yatra: Occasion to Revisit the Indian Institution of Tirtha

Pilgrimage – tirtha – is a unique Indian civilisational institution that has fascinated and propelled people over the ages. The current issue of further curtailing the period of pilgrimage to the sacred shrine of Amarnath in Jammu and Kashmir is an occasion to revisit this institution of pilgrimage and to see it within the Indian spiritual, cultural and civilisational framework.

Military Aspects Af-Pak Situation: An Appraisal

It is axiomatic that military aspects can not be discussed in isolation as many other factors have a direct impact on the given military situation. In the current Af-Pak scenario political and economic compulsions have a direct bearing on the behaviour of many players in the evolving Af-Pak imbroglio. Clausewitz opined that ‘war is a continuation of politics’ which in effect means that war or for that matter any military action can not be separated from political activity. Further, to execute any kind of national or military strategy adequate resources are required.

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