International Relations and Diplomacy
India and the South China Sea: Upscaling Maritime Diplomacy

… India’s significant stakes are expected to increase in future … regional expectations for a more proactive strategic engagement by New Delhi … China’s dramatically expanding naval forays in the IOR threatens India’s primacy in its prime theatre … imperative for India to further her power projection ...

Geopolitics of Eurasia and its Strategic Significance for India

… Eurasia has assumed greater geopolitical importance … facilitating connectivity and boosting trade and investments are two major requirements … India needs to improve regional engagements and strike an optimal balance between continental and maritime strategies…

Systematic Persecution: Unveiling the Chinese Government's Atrocities Towards Uyghurs and Other Turkic Muslims

… gravity and consistency of the evidence presented here warrant urgent international attention and a comprehensive response .. addressing the crisis in Xinjiang requires a multi-faceted approach .. including diplomatic pressure, economic measures, targeted sanctions, and engagement with relevant stakeholders ...

Western Sahara - The North African Gordian Knot

… Western Saharan conflict is one of the world's most underlooked conflicts .. it is crucial to indigenous Sahrawis and their kin in southern Morocco, northern Mauritania and western Algeria .. UN has so far failed in providing the groundwork for self-determination and decolonisation .. with European and American interests intertwined in the conflict, the North African stand-off must be resolved …

Understanding Politics in Iraq post-October 2021 Elections

Iraq’s post-2003 political system is facing political and economic dysfunction mired by widespread corruption, economic inequalities and lack of improvement in living standards. The unstable political situation is further accentuated by the influence and control of external actors, i.e. Iran and the US. Intense turmoil and political stalemate stemming from political competition and rivalries among the key stakeholders delayed government formation and appointment of new President, Prime Minister and cabinet for almost a year since the last election on 10 October 2021.

Great Game Revisited: China's Grand Eurasian Strategy through the Prism of 'One Belt One Road'

… despite multiple flaws, China's expanding participation in Central Asia is a long-term phenomenon and a watershed moment in the post-Soviet history and economic development of these countries… China is the only country capable of mobilising massive investment in the region … under the OBOR, China will continue to be the most important investor in Central Asia …

Russia Ukraine Conundrum

… Biden said that President Vladimir Putin “has never seen sanctions like the ones I promised will be imposed if he moves”... “If they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on Russia and the Russian economy…” as of end February 2022, all these conjectures had been thrown in the wind. The invasion is underway. Times are extremely critical and the attention of the whole world will be on Ukraine …

How has the Growing Rift in Oceania enabled China’s Rise in the Region?

This paper seeks to investigate the factors that allowed China to emerge as a major player in the Oceania. The paper argues that the traditional powers in the region, the ANZUS, have viewed the region predominantly through the geostrategic lens and in the process, have ignored the core concerns of the Pacific States and instead securitized the region driven by their narrow strategic goals, creating a vacuum and a readymade ground for China to step up and assume a gradually increasing influential role in the region with relative ease and without any credible resistance.

People’s Liberation Army Navy - An Overview of Maritime Strategic Thought, Naval Capabilities, Implications of Military Reforms & Naval Operations and Exercises

This paper aims to provide an overview of the Chinese maritime strategic thought and naval capabilities that could have a bearing on India’s strategic and security environment, particularly in the Indian Ocean. It provides a broad picture of major reforms in PLA during the Xi Jinping era that commenced in 2014 and the drivers and objectives behind these reforms.

Biden as a Liberal Crusader: Assessing the Obama-Biden Human Rights Legacy

… the hope is that Biden would have learnt from the Obama era mistakes and hence follow a non-interventionist policy to avoid another ‘humanitarian’ war … at the end of his Presidential term, Biden may emerge a ‘liberal crusader’ or be another ‘crumbling liberal hero’ …

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