Dr Anirban Ganguly is Chairman & Trustee, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation (SPMRF), the New Delhi based think tank of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) (www.spmrf.org). He is Member, of BJP’s, National Executive Committee (NEC), Member of the Core Committee of the West Bengal State Unit of BJP and has extensively worked in the areas of public policy and political research.

Opinion | Samvad And The Asian Century Of Dharma And Dhamma The fourth edition of Samvad – the Global Hindu-Buddhist Initiative for Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Consciousness will be held in Thailand from 14 to 17 February. This flagship outreach programme, initiated in 2015 by Prime Minister...

Ignoring ICCR: Undermining India’s ‘Soft Diplomacy’ India’s premier and oldest agency for furthering her soft power, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), is faced with an acute crisis of resources. The challenge is serious and yet it does not seem to have moved the powers that be. In te...

Nationalists not Marxists: Celebrating the Centenary of the Ghadar Revolution - 1913-2013 April 2013 announces the centenary of the Ghadar Party – one of the most riveting symbols of Indian defiance against colonial oppression. What makes the Ghadar movement an enduring symbol in the imagination of youth is the fact that it was waged in...

Supporting War Criminals - Is Bengal’s Liberal Space Shrinking? Something unprecedented happened over the last week end (30th March) in Kolkata. Sixteen Islamic organizations came together at the Maidan, the second largest public ground in the city, in protest against the ongoing War Crimes Trial in Ba...

‘Indophobia’ and Its Expressions The hideous massacre of unarmed Indian Satyagrahis who had gathered at Jallianwala Bagh to show their displeasure at draconian laws adopted by the British government in India is much in the news these days. The British Prime Minister’s visit...

VIF Papers 
Alternate Perceptions of India: Arguing for a Counter Narrative Introduction Descriptions of India and of Hindus that have assumed a dominant position in the discourse on Indian civilisation and culture have mostly been those which have distorted the perception of India. Written and expounded with a cle...

Amarnath Yatra: Occasion to Revisit the Indian Institution of Tirtha Pilgrimage – tirtha – is a unique Indian civilisational institution that has fascinated and propelled people over the ages. The current issue of further curtailing the period of pilgrimage to the sacred shrine of Amarnath in Jammu and Kashmir is ...

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