Civil war
Ongoing Crisis in Myanmar and Implications for India

Myanmar's strategic importance for India stems from its shared land and maritime borders, acting as a gateway to Southeast Asia. The ongoing conflict since the 2021 military coup has significantly impacted this relationship. ‘Operation 1027’ and the aftermath attacks since then across Myanmar borders have been a cause of concern for India. Myanmar's internal conflict and presence of armed groups pose security threats to India, particularly its Northeast states, due to the rise in cases of drug trafficking and activities of insurgent groups.

Battleground Idlib: Russia and Turkey’s Interests amidst the COVID-19 crisis

The civil war in Syria similar to the continuing conflicts in Yemen and Libya has its roots in the 2011 Arab spring protests. The protracted conflict between President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces and a fragmented opposition has been diffused by Russia and Iran and the ruling regime has succeeded to reclaim majority of territories. The north-western governorate of Idlib is one of the last rebel-held regions and the Syrian government is pursuing its efforts to reclaim control since late 2016.

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