International Relations and Diplomacy
“India’s China Challenge: A Journey through China’s rise and what it means for India” by Ananth Krishnan, Harper Collins, 2021, pp.420, Price Rs. 599

No scholar following India-China relations in India or abroad can ever claim anonymity with Ananth Krishnan regarded as the most authentic interpreter of India-China relations for about decades as a correspondent filing despatches from mainland...

India and EU: An Insider’s View by Bhaswati Mukherjee, New Delhi: ICWA and Vij Books, 2018, ISBN: 978-81-93759-10-3, pp. 336, Rs 995

Although India was among the first countries to develop ties with the European community in the 1960s, the country’s present level of engagement with the European Union (EU) is not commensurate with the existing potential. The four-year long hiatus...

The Rise and Fall of Khoqand: Central Asia in the Global Age, 1709-1876. By Scott C. Levi, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017. 2017, 258pp.

Until recently, a few books have been published on the history of Central Asian Khanates of Khiva, Bukhara, and Kokand. In his book, Levi C. Scott, a professor of Central Asian history at Ohio State University, focuses on the historical significance...

Great Game East: India, China and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier by Bertil Linter, Publishers: Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2015

Arthur Conolly, an intelligence officer of British East India Company, conceived the expression “great game” to define the strategic rivalry between the British and the Russian empires to acquire supremacy in Central Asia. It was further used to...

India’s Ocean- The story of India’s bid for regional leadership by David Brewster, New York: Routledge, 2014. pp228. ISBN- 978-0-415-52059-1

Indian Ocean is of critical importance to India. The Indian peninsula juts out into the Indian Ocean. In fact, this is the only ocean in the world that is named after a country. The 21st century is a maritime century; therefore, the significance of...

From Third World to First -The Singapore Story: 1965-2000. First Edition. By Lee Kuan Yew. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000. 729 pp. ISBN 0-06-019776-5.

Singapore has been called the 20th century’s “most successful development story” and is considered a model for economic development. Its stunning economic transformation has been described as a “miracle” and have been the subject of numerous...

Sreeram Chaulia, Trumped; Emerging power in a post-American world, 2019, Bloomsbury, New Delhi.

Sreeram Chaulia’s thought-provoking book, Trumped; Emerging Powers in a Post-American World is likely to trigger a debate on the impact of the disruption in the global order brought out by Trump’s ‘America First’ policy. The author’s key argument...

China’s Great Leap Forward-II, by Lt Gen Gautam Bannerjee, PVSM, AVSM, YSM (Retired), Lancer Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 152 pages, INR 595/-, 2019

The Great Leap Forward was a campaign run in the People’s Republic of China from 1958 to 1962. Chairman Mao Zedong led the campaign and the aim was to transform an agricultural economy to a socialist society through rapid industrialisation and...

Verma, C.B., Global Geo Strategic and Politico-Military Perspectives Through Millennia Past, English, Hardcover, 2 Volumes, 994 pages, Rs 3995/-, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2018

For those baffled by the absurd magnitude of contemporary history – mammoth armies, perpetual wars, automated weapon systems, barbaric massacres, shocking terrorist attacks or weapons of mass destruction – history is perhaps the only refuge. For in...

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