Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

(Given below is the transcript of the presentation made by Sh. Satish Chandra Vice Chairman, VIF during the event held on the subject at the VIF on 24 Feb 2025) I am very glad that the Vivekananda International Foundation has organized an e....

Forest and Hills People: Civilizational Issues in the Context of India

S. Gurumurthy’s recent thoughts on the issue have redirected our attention to an age-old problem related to Indian history and civilization. The purpose of the present brief note is to define the problem in terms of some salient features of the res....

The 1937 Act divided India. Will UCC integrate it?

The BJP’s articulators’ understanding of the UCC doesn’t seem to go to the deep, sordid historical origins of the UCC. After the 1937 Act was passed, the Muslim League emerged as a Muslim mass party and began challenging the unchallenged Gan....

Neighbourhood News digest - 4 May 2023

Taliban interfering with NGO work in Afghanistan: Report – Tribune
A Taliban fighter recently fired his rifle into the air at a food distribution event in Afghanistan, an example of their harassment of nongovern....

Virtual Book Discussion on "Bengal and its Partition: An Untold Story" authored by Amb Bhaswati Mukherjee

On August 25, a Book Discussion on Ambassador Bhaswati Mukherjee’s book "Bengal and its Partition: An untold Story" was organised by the Vivekanand International Foundation. The discussion was chaired by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director. Author Am....

“The Hindus: An Alternative History” by Wendy Doniger: A Twisted Tale

Writing this review, makes me feel how David might have felt facing Goliath. How can one, a layman, have the gumption to take on a world renowned scholar, an accepted expert of her field? But then, perhaps like David, I know I am right, so here goe....

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