Neighborhood News Digest- 13 May 2024

Death Toll from Baghlan Floods Rises to 154, Hundreds Injured-Tolo News
The number of fatalities from the recent floods in Baghlan has risen to 154. Local authorities in the region have reported that the catastroph....

Neighborhood News Digest- 10 May 2024

Mawlawi Kabir: If We Had Means, No Foreign Drones Would Patrol Airspace-Tolo News
Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy of the Prime Minister's Office, at a public meeting in Panjshir said that American drones ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 09 May 2024

Uzbek foreign minister emphasizes acceleration of ‘Trans-Afghanistan’ project-The Khaama Press
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has announced that the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of th....

Neighborhood News Digest- 08 May 2024

Deputy PM Kabir: Participation in Global Forums Indicates Recognition-Tolo News
Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, said that the invitation of the Islamic Emirate to global meetin....

Neighborhood News Digest- 07 May 2024

OIC Calls for Inclusive Govt, Human Rights Protection in Afghanistan-Tolo News
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation in its final statement of its 15th session of the Islamic State Conference asked for the establ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 03 May 2024

Islamic Emirate Calls UNAMA Report Repetitive and Propagandistic-Tolo News
Following the publication of UNAMA's quarterly report on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson fo....

Neighborhood News Digest- 01 May 2024

Global, Domestic Condemnation Follows Deadly Mosque Attack in Herat-Tolo News
The recent attack on Shia worshippers at a mosque in the Guzara district of Herat has sparked widespread condemnation from both local an....

Neighborhood News Digest- 29 April 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry: Recognition Contingent on Inclusive Afghan Govt- Tolo News
Mikhail Galuzin, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, stated that the recognition of the Islamic Emirate is contingent upon the est....

Neighborhood News Digest- 26 April 202

Three Neighboring Countries Support Daesh: Muttaqi- Tolo News
Amir Khan Muttaqi, the acting Foreign Minister, during the opening ceremony of the Afghan-Kazakh exhibition said that three neighboring countries are su....

Neighborhood News Digest- 25 April 2024

Mawlawi Kabir Calls for Kabul's Participation in Moscow Format-Tolo News
Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the deputy prime minister for political affairs, during his meeting with Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special envoy for Afgha....

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