Economic Studies
Women ask: Where are our Trillion Dollar output?

Whenever some visitors asked my elder sister, “Do you work?”, she used to be amused. She used to say, “What else I do from 5 am to 10 pm every day”. For most people household work is not considered as ‘work’. It is not included in computi....

Big Business and Small Families

Throughout sixties/seventies advertisements in print and visual media in the west projected “happy” families consist of husband /wife one boy one girl may be a dog. Happy family will not have mother-in-laws or sisters-in-laws, leave alone aged pa....

Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN): Caution Should be the Key Word

A New Regime of Taxation Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a broad-based, comprehensive, single indirect tax which will be levied concurrently on goods and services across India. It will replace most of the Central and State indirect taxes su....

Brexit And End of Globalisation

When Britain voted to leave the European Union ( called British Exit or Brexit) the Dutch Prime minister Mark Rutte said “England has collapsed politically, constitutionally and economically.” He wasn't wrong. The vote by Britain has also impacte....

Analysis of Recent Trends in China’s Economy

In the wake of recent downward trend in China’s economy, there have been a spate of articles and analyses predicting its early doom. However, It does seem unreasonable to postulate that an economy with over 71 per cent labour force participation, a....

Considering the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions under the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Introduction In today's day and age, international trade and economic cooperation is considered the norm rather than the exception, especially with the rise of organizations such as the WTO. However, rather than diving headlong into the wor....

Direct Taxes - Agriculture Income: A Black hole

The government has at last released some tax numbers but not fully as it used to publish under All India income Tax statistics till 2000. A total of 2.87 crore individuals filed income tax returns in 2012-13, but 1.62 crore of them did not pay any ta....

चीन की 13वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना: धीमे कदमों के साथ मजबूत चीन का लक्ष्‍य

चीन की मंदी पर वैश्विक चर्चा के अंतिम महीनों और इसके वैश्विक अर्थव्‍यवस्‍था पर पड़ने वाले असर �....

China’s 13th Five Year Plan - a slower but stronger China?

Ending months of global speculation over China’s slowdown and its impact on the global economy, China’s National People’s Congress adopted the 13th five year plan aimed at a slower growth rate of 6.5 per cent until 2020, with key reforms in the....

Dealing with Domestic Black Money

Black money has two aspects Domestic and international. These two are interlinked at some level but can be tackled separately. In India domestic black money is large and it creates havoc with our economy by de-stabilizing many government policies. ....

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