Economic Studies
Is Selling PSBs to Foreigners Rajan's Agenda?

If news reports are to be believed, the Finance Ministry seems to be caving in to the RBI strategy to sell Public Sector Banks and is raising the limits of FDI in banks to 49% — thus virtually paving the way for handing the PSBs, which are at th....

Indian Economy for Dummies - II

In the second of a three-part series on the Indian economy ahead of the presentation of the Union Budget, well-known commentator on political and economic affairs, S Gurumurthy argues that the Indian family’s instinct to save in banks rather tha....

Indian Economy for Dummies - I

It’s that time of the year when ‘experts’ throw around intimidating economic jargon to ‘advise’ the government and ostensibly enlighten us all on what’s wrong with our economy. Starting today, we bring to you well-known commentator on ....

FRBM Law is Irrational. Amend it (Part II)

The way economists have made simple theories into complex mathematical equations has made monetary economics seem difficult to comprehend. Well-known economists, including Nobel laureate Robert Shiller and Prof Bradford DeLong, have already proteste....

Fiscal Deficit: Story of the Magic '3' Per cent (Part I)

Magic 3% Three per cent Fiscal Deficit! This is a dream announcement any finance minister of India would love to make. Fiscal deficit is the excess of payments over receipts of the government. The quantum of fiscal deficit in budgets in Ind....

Budget 2016: A Delicate Balancing Task achieved

All budgets are in a sense compromises with different stakeholders. Whether it is a housewife making budget for home or a Chief Finance officer for a company or Finance minister for the Government. The core issue is that expenditure is always larger ....

GDP numbers-First time, how reliable?

India’s economic growth for the financial year 2016 has been estimated at 7.6 per cent as compared with the revised estimate of 7.2 per cent in the previous year, aided mostly by growth in the manufacturing sector. However, the GDP growth for th....

Memo to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley

Memo to FM: An education bank, easy loans to India Uninc, tax breaks for savers – and my dog Since it is customary to give unsolicited advice to the finance minister in the run-up to the budget, here are some. In order to make it easy for....

Interaction with TN Ninan, author of ‘Turn of the Tortoise’

While the jury may still be out debating whether India’s economy has really taken off under the new political dispensation in New Delhi, members of the VIF faculty, General NC Vij, Director VIF, Amb PP Shukla, Adm KK Nayyar, among others, engaged T....

Interaction with Dr. Anantha Nageswaran on ‘Chinese and Indian Economies’

Amid growing international concern over China’s unrelenting economic slump, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on Aug 21st 2015 invited Dr. Anantha Nageswaran, a well-known economist and investment strategist, for a talk on �....

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