Neighbourhood Studies
The Presence of Islamic State-Khurasan Province in Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

नाततायिवधे दोषो हन्तुर्भवति कश्चन । प्रकाशं वाप्रकाशं वा मन्युस्तं मन्युमृच्छति ॥
Expect a Recalibration in the Pakistan- Taliban Relationship

The picture of former ISI chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed and Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan, Mansour Ahmed Khan enjoying tea at Kabul’s Serena Hotel in a relaxed mood just before the announcement of Taliban’s ‘interim’ government in September ....

The Boiling Baloch Pot: A Continued Saga of Baloch Resistance

A suicide bombing that killed three Chinese nationals in the Pakistani city of Karachi on April 26, 2022, has sent shock waves throughout the region. Notably, this incident rests on two p....

In Aid of a Troubled Maritime Neighbour: India and the Sri Lankan Financial Crisis

India’s neighbourhood is in a churn with both Pakistan and Sri Lanka reeling under severe economic and political crises. While Pakistan, obstinately continues to inflict pain unto itself with its self-defeating obduracy, Sri Lanka finds itself at t....

Uncertain Future of Women Rights in Afghanistan

The world is in a state of flux. Ukraine crisis is triggering cascading risks globally. However, while the world attention is diverted to the Ukraine conflict, the crisis in Afghanistan remains sidelined. The country faces confluence of multiple cri....

Future of Hydropower Cooperation with Bhutan

‘Hydropower today is an important source of our wealth. With rapid advancements in harnessing nuclear, hydrogen, fusion, solar, thermal and wind energy, hydropower may soon lose its competitive edge. We may soon become a net energy importer’.<....

Challenges ahead for the Pakistan Government

After the no confidence motion that ousted Imran Khan, Parliament elected unopposed Shahbaz Sharif as 23rd prime minister of the country, bringing to an end the political uncertainty that had gripped the nation. However the country still remains mire....

Can Sri Lanka break the Chinese hold?

Sri Lanka a tiny island country in the Indian Ocean has become an example of what Chinese investments can achieve. In the last two decades Sri Lanka has received around 15 billion in investments from China, making it one of the largest investors in t....

India-Bhutan Relations: Exploring the New Vistas of Cooperation

In this podcast, Rishi Gupta, Research Associate, VIF, talks to Ambassador VP Haran on India's bilateral ties with Bhutan. In his remarks, distinguished Guest Amb. VP Haran adds that the special ties between India and Bhutan are marked by mutual trus....

Sri Lanka's Current Economic and Political Crisis

Sri Lanka in India's neighborhood is reeling under economic, political, and social crisis. To listen to the insightful views on the reasons and implications of current development, join us on the podcast by Shri PM. Heblikar and Cchavi Vasisht. ....

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