VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - January 04, 2023

Afghanistan, Uzbekistan Settle New Electricity Agreement Amid Winter Shortages – The Diplomat
Under the new agreement, Uzbekistan will supply Afghanistan with 450 megawatts of electricity during the winter as both co....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - December 07, 2022

Uzbekistan NSA: It is Important Afghanistan Not Be Isolated: Tolo News
Uzbekistan National Security Advisor Victor Mohammadov said that it is “important” to not allow Afghanistan to be Isolated or to leave it ....

Myanmar Round-Up: August 2022

In a dismal turn of events, Myanmar’s military chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing extended the state of emergency by another six months. The violence and conflicts continue in the country, especially in the central and western regions. The month....

Combating COVID-19: Challenges before Suga

As the cases of coronavirus surge in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and surrounding prefectures, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared a state of emergency for a month as a robust measure to fight the virus infections. Coming ....

Vimarsha on Story of Emergency (1975-1977): the Greatest threat to Democracy

On 25thJune, 2020, Vimarsha was held through a webinar at VIF, on the topic "Story of Emergency (1975-1977): the Greatest Threat to Democracy, How the people fought and won". It has been 45 years since the declaration of the National Emergency in Ind....

Discussion on ‘Emergency: Darkest Hour in Indian Democracy’,

A discussion was held at the VIF on 24th June 2019 on the eve of 34 years since the declaration of the National Emergency in India. The idea behind was to retell stories related to Emergency - considered as one of the darkest periods in the history ....

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