Virtual Vimarsha on 'Global & Indian Economy'

A special virtual edition of Vimarsh was organized on Global & Indian Economy in the Post-COVID era by the Vivekananda International Foundation on June 8, 2020. The public webcast brought together an eminent panel comprising of Sh. S. Gurumurt....

A Brief Assessment of China’s 3rd Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference - May 2020

  1. As usual China’s top political advisory body, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), held its annual plenary session in Beijing along with the National People’s Congress (NPC). The plenum was delayed this year a....

Hydroxychloroquine: Pandemic, Parasites and Politics

In this six month long mercurial quest for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, winners are far from declared. Among the various antiviral treatments tested or deployed to inhibit the viral growth, hydroxychloroquine has had an unparalleled....

A Guide to India-Australia Relations

For the first time in India’s diplomatic history a summit was held on a virtual platform. On 4th June 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed a range of issues with his Australian counterpart, Prime Minister Scott Morrison. This summit is signi....

COVID-19 in Tajikistan: From Denial to Full-scale Crisis

Despite being surrounded by the countries with positive cases of coronavirus, the Tajik Government had consistently denied the existence of the virus until April 30 when 15 cases were reported. This announcement was made when the World Health Organiz....

India’s Medicine Diplomacy

“Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam” (World is one family) has been a key ingredient of India’s outreach to the world from time immemorial. It has also acquired a greater salience in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic. The whole world is suffering and is frankly ....

Migrant Labour and Justice

“Mazdoor hai, magar Mazboor nahin”, was the response of a Good Samaritan farmer of Haryana who sent all his labourers to their home town by flight. His decision speaks volumes about compassion and the concern for labour rights. Since media and ....

Global Scenario of Covid-19: Some Reflections

After the number of infected persons from the coronavirus or Covid-19 crossed 6 million and now in kissing distance of reaching 7 million worldwide with close to 4 lakh fatalities in about 213 countries,1 many countries that took resort of....

The World Environment Day: Bring Back Respect and Reverence for Nature to Save Mankind

The UN General Assembly designated fifth June as the World Environment Day in 1972. In 1974 the first Environment Day was celebrated on the theme “Only one Earth”. That theme is as relevant today as it was then. Covid-19 has brought home the onen....

Coronavirus and the Delayed “Two Sessions” of China

Every year, the two biggest annual meetings of China takes place in March for two weeks, together they are called the “Two Sessions” or Lianghui. The two sessions include the plenary sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chin....

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