Nepal’s Approach to China’s BRI

Nepal is strategically located in the middle of two giants, India and China. Being Nepal’s northern neighbour, China has been keen on increasing its investments in Nepal. The interests are not just economic, but rather strategic. China seeks to inc....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (06-12 November 2023)


Australian and Chinese leaders talk pandas and wine as ties improve despite disagreements
The leaders of Australia and China joked about the relative cuteness of pandas and Tasmanian devils on 06 Nov in a largely symb....

Neighborhood News Digest – 13 November 2023


Over 6,000 Afghan migrants return from Pakistan in a single day – The Khaama Press
The Ministry of Migrant Affairs of Afghanistan has reported that more than 6,000 Afghan migrants returned to the country in a si....

Neighborhood News Digest – 31 October 2023


World Food Program assists 23 Million Afghans with Food in One year – The Khaama Press
The World Food Program reports that approximately 23 million citizens in Afghanistan received food assistance in the past yea....

Neighborhood News Digest – 30 October 2023


Uzbekistan economic delegation arrives in Afghanistan – The Khaama Press
The government’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce has announced that a 45-member economic delegation from Uzbekistan has officially arri....

Neighborhood News Digest – 27 October 2023

Taliban free Afghan activist arrested 7 months ago after campaigning for girls’ education – Indian Express
The Taliban have freed an Afghan activist who campaigned for the education of girls, a local nonprofit....

Neighborhood News Digest – 26 October 2023

Kakar: Illegal Afghan Immigrants Must Leave Pakistan – Tolo News
The caretaker prime minister of Pakistan, Anwaar ul Haq Kakar, called on Afghans who are living in the country illegally to return to Pakistan aft....

Questionable Stance of Cambodia’s Policy on China as Manet attends 3rd BRI Forum Meeting in Beijing

Cambodia’s cosiness with China is a matter of worry for the ASEAN grouping. Cambodia pursued a pro-China policy during the outgoing rule of Hun Sen, one of the world’s longest-serving Prime Ministers and who announced his relinquishment of the to....

Neighborhood News Digest – 25 October 2023

Taliban benefiting from international aid through ‘fraudulent’ NGOs, says U.S. watchdog – The Hindu
The watchdog for U.S. assistance to Afghanistan has warned that the Taliban are benefiting from internation....

Neighborhood News Digest –20 October 2023


Tajikistan’ President unveils 24 new border posts along Afghanistan border – The Khaama Press
Imam Ali Rahman, Tajikistan’s President, opened 24 new border posts on his visit to the Khatlon province, strength....

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