US Critical and Emerging Technology Strategy

As a part of the wider modernisation agenda, the US Department of State announced on 3rd January 2023 the establishment of a new Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology. The purpose of establishing this office is to bring add....

Understanding Politics in Iraq post-October 2021 Elections

Iraq’s post-2003 political system is facing political and economic dysfunction mired by widespread corruption, economic inequalities and lack of improvement in living standards. The unstable political situation is further accentuated by the influen....

Neighborhood News Digest – 25 January 2023

Taliban Discuss Restoration of Historical Sites with UNESCO – The Khaama Press
Mawlavi Atiqullah Azizi, Deputy Minister of Culture and Information of Afghanistan met with Brendan Cassar, UNESCO Culture Program Office....

Neighborhood News Digest – 24 January 2023

Reviewing engagement with Taliban on human rights violation in Afghanistan: US – The Print
The US is reviewing its approach and engagement with the Taliban regime in context of the slew of human rights violations tak....

Neighborhood News Digest – 23 January 2023

Afghanistan: Top UN delegation tells Taliban to end confinement, deprivation, abuse of women’s rights – UN News
Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, the Executive Director of UN Women, Sima Bahous, and the Ass....

Neighborhood News Digest – 20 January 2023

India’s assistance to Afghanistan came at a very critical time: Envoy Farid
Mamundzayjan19v30 – The Times of India
Hailing India's humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan as the country goes through a critical t....

VIF Cyber Review: December 2022


Minister for Electronics and IT launched ‘Stay Safe Online’ campaign & ‘G20 Digital Innovation Alliance’ as part of Bharat’s G20 Presidency.
On 28 December 2022, the Minister for Electronics and Information Tech....

Neighborhood News Digest – 11 January 2023

World Clerics' Delegation Seeks Education for Every Muslim: Tolo News
A delegation of Muslim clerics, which has visited Afghanistan, on Tuesday called for ensuring the right to education for every Muslim and emphasized....

West Asia – 2022 Gone by with a Twist

West Asia never ceases to spring surprises. 2022 was no different in that regard except that conflicts became milder but the Black Swan events did not spare them either. As the countries, even the oil rich ones, were beginning to come out of the adv....

US-China Tech Rivalry: Pentagon Report on China’s Emerging Technology Strategy

On 29 November 2022, the US Department of Defence released the 2022 annual report on “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” in which “China’s drive to dominate emerging technologies” figure prominent....

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