The purpose of constituting the Study Group on Defence Preparedness was to delve into the issues confronting the nation’s defence preparedness. The focus herein was directed at preservation of the nation’s territorial integrity in the face of Chi....
Atmanirbhar Bharat requires much more than just local sourcing- and that local sourcing itself is a function of availability of indigenous technology. This remains the most critical gap in the realization of Atmanirbharta which is so necessary....
On 19th September 2022, Vivekananda International Foundation and DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) held the fourth edition of the talks by eminent persons from DRDO. In this edition the speaker presenting was Shri Sangam Sinha, O/S....
India is at the cusp of metamorphosing from a regional player to one with global clout. As India’s geo-political and economic ambitions grow, it needs to develop robust indigenous manufacturing capabilities and ecosystem to secure its ambition for ....
The social media is bulging at seams in making unending predictions by the hour related to the ‘life after Covid’. The continuum ranges from a ‘total doomsday’ scenario painted by the naysayersto the ‘we will win’ and how the life will be....
… there is no place for wasteful expenditure. Indigenization must be the preferred option so that defense expenditure generates employment, helps in earning foreign exchange and sharpens our technology as also learning curve .......