Neighborhood News Digest- 30 May 2024

Foreign Ministry Welcomes Moscow's Stance on the Interim Government-Tolo News
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate today (Wednesday) in a statement praised Russia's stance on engaging with the int....

Neighborhood News Digest- 29 May 2024

Putin: Building ties with Taliban is necessary- The Khaama Press
Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that it is necessary to build relations with the Taliban due to their control over Afghanistan. Vladimir Puti....

Neighborhood News Digest- 28 May 2024

Russia Considering Removing 'Taliban' From Terrorist List-Tolo News
The Russian Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs have presented President Vladimir Putin with a proposal to potentially remove the name 'Tali....

Neighborhood News Digest- 27 May 2024

Afghanistan 6th Most Vulnerable Country to Climate Change: UNDP-Tolo News
The representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Stephen Rodriques, said that although Afghanistan does not contribute....

Neighborhood News Digest- 24 May 2024

Qatar's Al-Khulaifi Requests Islamic Emirate Attend 3rd Doha Meeting-Tolo News
Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, in a meeting with Mullah....

Neighborhood News Digest- 22 May 2024

SIGAR Claims $10.9M Paid to Islamic Emirate Institutions-Tolo News
John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), said that from August 2021 to the present, $10.9 million of US fu....

Neighborhood News Digest - 21 May 2024

Islamic Emirate: We Stand with the Govt and People of Iran-Tolo News
The Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate has expressed Afghanistan's solidarity with the people and government of Iran in response to the death ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 20 May 2024

Baradar: Baghlan Flood Disaster 'Severe,' Requires Immediate Aid-Tolo News
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, deputy prime minister for economic affairs, described the flood disaster in Baghlan (including casualties and d....

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